The Beloved Sanat Kumara /

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This Blessed One and Great Being of Love directs to the Planet Venus next to the Lady Venus. Long ago ... a long time our Planet Earth ceased to shine in the firmament shrouded in the shadows of human creations to such an extent that the Great Universal Law saw with difficulty that it could continue sustained in its orbit. Already Love was not the predominant sentiment, nor was Peace sustained and therefore did not emanate Light. The Sacred Fire in the hearts of mankind had diminished to the point of being minimized, and souls sought no divine food. 

Through this state we passed our beloved Earth and yet there was someone who loved her enough to stand before the Great Cosmic Council and present the idea that if some totally Free Being would bring to Her His Light and feed those tiny Sparks of Light In the heart, keeping them active and reviving them with all the Power of His Divine Love, "someday" humanity would return to His Divinity; "Someday" would expand that Golden Presence that lives within the Flame of the Heart and would reveal itself through every carnal form. That being was SANAT KUMARA, who from His Home on Venus, looked at the beauty and splendor around him and remembered the beauty and splendor of the Earth when it had not yet been infected and wrapped in the shadows; And I take the firm resolve that a Planet created with Divine Love, sustained so long by Masters, Angels, Nature Beings and by Virgo itself (Spirit of the Earth), should have an opportunity for redemption. 

Thus was presented His offering and thus was accepted, and not only He but thirty Beings of Venus (30 Kumaras) out of Love to His Lord, offered to incarnate on Earth and build for Him a beautiful Golden Palace and a luminous Golden City to That He would not miss His Star and His place of residence in Her. 

This was a sacrifice beyond the imagination since the Earth was in its moment of more darkness and they had to be born in him, to be part of the effluvia of its atmosphere and to retain nevertheless the memory of its Purpose until the attainment. Beloved Sanat Kumara - Pink Ray of Divine Love Nine hundred years passed, incarnating and disincarnating, meeting from various points on the Planet assuring his idea to build Shamballa in time. 

And although the hordes of shadows often destroyed their city materially, they could not destroy the vision that was firm and pulsating in their hearts throbbing with Love for their Lord. Thus, when the Lemurian Polar Star signaled the coming of Sanat Kumara, everything was ready and this Great Being could dwell in His Golden City. 

There His Task began to draw upon those inner human souls upon the Inner Levels, loving them so much, until that Divine Feeling could awaken some spark of wishing to return to live in the Will of God. Blessed brothers, this self-imposed exile did not last two or three years, that "someday" to which He referred four and a half million years! I would say another Great Being called El Morya: "Gentlemen ... THIS IS LOVE !! His Liberation came when a Son of the Earth qualified to hold this Planet in His place, so did the Beloved Gautama by becoming Lord of the World and being invested as such on January 1, 1956, being allowed to the Great Sanat Kumara to return To His Star and Home on January 21, 1956. 

Today she continues to act as Regent of the Earth, visiting her at times of Special Events. The Beloved Sanat Kumara speaks: The Patient Love, for many ages of time, is My gift to Life and if you know My Service, you can verify this reality. That Patient Love that saved his Planet and allowed me to fulfill My Task with Joy. Beloved beings ... can you feel that Patient Love for each other, and for all life wherever it may be? And ... What is Patience? It is merely the control of the energy of the internal and physical bodies. It is ability, when treating any expression of life in need of assistance, to sustain its energy in perfect harmony and then to project it out according to the direction of its Christ Self for the accomplishment of some good purpose. 

That, practiced, will bring them happiness and give them this task: to become "patient" men and women, and to observe the change of their lives, for good. Let me differentiate, for your enlightenment, the difference between the quality of Patience and that lethargy or indifference. The patient man is positive, balanced, powerful. He does not allow his energy to leave it, or in thought or feeling, gesture or word, until the Divine Being within has qualified it with His Nature, and then, only it comes out with blessing. I offer you My Feeling of Patience, which has been My joy to develop, that has sustained me through the ages and that has brought me this day to your conscience. 

                                                                                                                                            Sanat Kumara

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