Symptoms that you are stealing energy

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You should have your senses alert if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. Especially if you went to the doctor and told you that everything is fine and you do not have any disease; Neither in analytics, nor in x-rays, nor in regular reviews

The symptoms are as follows:

- Rare and strange diseases that therefore do not respond to conventional medical treatments.

-Male throughout the body; General decay, weakness lack of energy.

- Absurd difficulties to achieve the success and triumph desired, stumbling in everything that is undertaken.

- Sudden retraction of family and friends.

-Manifestations of harmful, harmful phenomena around the affected person, in your home, your business.

-Continuous flaws in love with no apparent cause, interference to achieve a lasting and happy love relationship.

- Continuous losses of money inexplicable expenses; Failure in business and setbacks in everything it undertakes related to economic and material well-being.

-Be constantly involved in intrigues, rumors, lies and problems with the whole world, taking the worst part of each of these situations.

-Continue of headaches, feeling a weight on the shoulders and the nape of the neck, insomnia frequent nightmares, general unrest, unexplained nervousness, lack of spiritual peace.

- Not being well and feeling uneasy, neither in his house nor in his work, nor anywhere else where he is, living in deep depression and great.

- Rare accidents and in very strange and rare situations, without explanation or logic.

The sudden change of personality, violent change of attitude, towards relatives, friends known, serious changes with the children and with the wife, Violence and excessive aggression towards strangers and loved ones.

-Dispensed without the justification of the work.

- Legal and police problems confusing everything and entangled situations inexplicably.

-General disengagement at work and to undertake any plan, activity or work, however small.

- A negative and pessimistic attitude towards life in general, to see the dark future without hope, to be fatalistic, to live lying in a bed, with total reluctance: to eat, to clean or to leave the house.

- Bad mood and fits of rage or anger for no good reason.

-You get up very tired, aches or discomforts in a neck and/or back, malaise.

- You respond inordinately to anything you interpret as a verbal attack, you feel an anguish inside you that you do not see that corresponds to your life

-Maleos. Very cold always. You feel like an inner emptiness difficult to explain, something you did not have before, sometimes you do not recognize yourself by your actions, you can not have energy no matter how much you rest.



Discarding that there are no medical causes, first of all. And of course, always before you consider it to be due to esoteric causes, if you have experienced many of these symptoms we have described, your discomfort may be due to some spirit or "spiritual entity" being bound to us by an energetic bond to our body Energetic "usually the back of some middle chakra, by the neck and / or back"

How to protect yourself from energy vampires?

Many times when we are close to a person, we suddenly feel tired, exhausted, with discomforts in the body and even depressed. In other words, we are suddenly out of energy and it is, at that moment, when we ask ourselves what happened?

As the legend tells of beings who draw blood from their victims to stay alive, there are people who absorb the energy of those around them, but they do, in most cases, in an unconscious way. They are negative, conflictive people who always see the glass of water half empty instead of half full.

To avoid absorbing energy, it is best to stay away from them. However, when it is necessary to stay close to them because it is a workmate or a close family member, it is necessary to develop a shield to repel and defend in a way that will avoid losing vital energy.

Then a ritual of shielding and protection for energetic vampires.

Protection against energetic vampires who frequently visit the house. This type of vampire can be a friend or friend of childhood, cousin or cousin and even neighbor. One way to avoid absorbing energy is through the following ritual:

Place a green candle on a wooden plate, or something similar. Let this candle stay on for a whole night (be careful not to fall and light something of the house like the curtains). The next day, clean this dish which will be like a magic shield.

To activate it, you must stand in front of the front door of the house, take the two hands with the plate. Slowly, carry it to the top of the head, then to the front of your chest. Then, to the right of your body and to the left.

Finally, it should be close to the right foot, then to the left. Finally, we must pray, from that day, a novena to San Miguel Arcángel always with the plate facing the door as if it were a mirror that repels the negative.

Protection with working energy vampires. 

Many people when they are at work frequently suffer from lack of concentration, physical pain and feel that a general malaise invades especially when a particular person is near them.

To protect yourself from this situation, it should be placed inside a red envelope, thyme, and wormwood. Then write in different papers the names of people who feel that they absorb energy.

Close it with wax or glue and say: "If you want to disturb, look for your name in the envelope, stay there until the herbs hold you, clean or dissuade." Hide the envelope at your place of work. Each time the person is near, take the envelope and shake it by repeating the sentence.

Special cases: A boyfriend or girlfriend who is an energetic vampire.

 If it has been discovered that the boyfriend or girlfriend or partner is an energetic vampire and you want this situation to end, you can use the following ritual:

Brush your hands with a few drops of cooking oil. Then, write the name of the person on a piece of paper and, next to it, place their name. Hold the paper between your two hands, palm to palm, as if to pray and, shaking them, say three times: "United we were in a harmful bond." Open your hands, stare at the other person's name and repeat three more times: "It's time to walk away and say goodbye."

Then take a pair of scissors, which will have previously submerged three times in holy water, and cut the paper through the middle. Keep your name in the pocket that has closest to your heart and takes a handful of coarse salt and throws the paper containing a name of the other person there, throw salt and paper to the sea.

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