Can gallstones dissolve within 1 week? Here the answer

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Whenever we refer to the liver we inevitably have to talk about the gall bladder as they are closely related. The gallbladder is under the liver, has a pear shape and participates in the digestive system. 

This organ fulfills the function of optimizing the absorption of vitamins, improving the solubility of cholesterol and fats, and although this sounds something extremely important it is possible to live without the gall bladder, but it is important to keep in mind that after having extirpated the processes Digestives become slower and denser. 

Within the biliary system are the gallbladder itself, bile ducts and different structures that are related to the production and conduction of bile. 

But in some cases, hardness similar to the rock crystals commonly called gallstones is deposited in the gallbladder. The sizes that reach these calculations can be varied and range from a simple grit to stones that can reach 4 or 5 cm in diameter. These stones or stones in the gallbladder are usually caused by cholesterol or in other cases are made up of bilirubin. 

They are more frequent in women when they are over 40 years of age, although they are also considered hereditary and also some health disorders can predispose to the formation of these stones such as diabetes, cirrhosis or a sudden and rapid decline of weight. 

The main symptoms when we have gallstones are often not very visible and are often discovered in a casual way thanks to abdominal ultrasounds that are performed for other purposes. 

How to remove gallstones

Dr. Lai Chiu Nan, a Chinese physician, developed a recipe that has been very successful in many people to dissolve gallstones. This doctor maintains that prior to the appearance of cancerous tumors many people developed stones in the gallbladder and that the main symptoms are the pain, inflammation after meals, liver discomfort and jaundice. 

The treatment of Dr. Lai Chiu Nan consists of the following: 


Take four glasses of apple juice, or 4 or 5 apples during the first five days of treatment. During this time the components of the apple will help to soften the stones of the gallbladder. Eat normally these days.

On the sixth day do not dine as early as 6 pm on the same day ingested a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in a little warm water.

At 20 hours repeat the procedure and at 10 pm drink a mixture of half a cup of olive oil with half a cup of lemon juice. This will help clear the liver of the gallbladder and lubricate the passage of the stones. 

The next day you can expel them and are likely to find them in the stool. 

Dr. Lai Chiu Nan says that many of his patients find between 40 and 100 stones after performing this treatment and that even if you do not have gallstones you can use this method to cleanse the gallbladder and liver and strengthen them in every way.

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