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In the patio of my house, there is a rosemary, beautiful and leafy, I would say that it is already about 50 years old for the little and I wonder ... Is it that the older you have, the more beneficial and powerful your properties?

I am a lover of the trees, plants, flowers and medicinal herbs of the garden, I believe that God left them there so that we make a good use of them.

In short, my Mother helped me a little to discover what the goodness of this tree.

Characteristics of rosemary:

An aromatic shrub that has a height of up to 3 meters. Stems straight and branched.

Leaves of a bright green, pale blue flowers, with stamens longer than petals.

It grows in most of Southern Europe. It is cultivated all over the world for its medicinal properties, aroma and sweet taste as it is used in Mediterranean cuisine.

Active components: It has minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper.

- Analgesic, antioxidant, facilitates digestion, diuretic, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory

- For hair loss, it is also used in the treatment of diseases such as AIDS, cancer or Alzheimer's, degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis.

- It is also used for the treatment of degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis.


- The smell of this plant increases memory up to 75%: Another important property of rosemary is that its aroma "increases memory" by up to 75%. The smell of rosemary helps to remember.

- It has been discovered that rosemary oil makes it possible to improve long-term memory and to remember to do things as daily as going to an appointment or remembering a certain date.

- In addition to improving memory and ability to perform mental exercises, this new finding attributes a great capacity to remember actions that we want to do in the future, and thus makes the Romero a fantastic remedy for today's life so hectic.

How to use:

- It is recommended to infuse one tablespoon of rosemary tea per cup of water. Take 3 cups a day.

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