8 signs that show that you are too stressed (and you do not know)

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Generally, we deal with so many things in our day to day that it is very common to suffer stress. And how not to suffer if the problems seem to never end, personal, work, family, home, et cetera, a set that ends up overwhelming us and make it always present in our lives.

 Although we doubt it, stress can bring us many diseases, not only refers to tiredness and muscle aches, also our defenses go down and our immune system weakens. You already knew it?

When we are already suffering from a disease we ignore the cause, but often the main one can be stress because this is usually asymptomatic and we do not realize how bad we are until we fall very sick.

It is always good to be well-informed to prevent and this time we will tell you the ways in which stress manifests itself. Take note.

Signs that you are over stressed:

1. You can not get problems out of your mind:
The more you think about those problems that you have been able to solve, the greater your stress and the more prone you will be to diseases. Try to relax a little and clear your mind, otherwise, the physical and mental exhaustion will take over you.

2. Each time you have less patience:

When everything seems to irritate us and our patience seems to be hidden, it's a symptom that stress is eating you up!

3. Your weight starts to get out of control:

With stress we can have two reactions: stop eating or overeating. This ends up causing us to lose weight or go up considerably. Do not forget that stress causes loss of oxygen cells.

4. Not to mention your mood, lousy !:

When we suffer from stress, it is very common that our mood varies a lot, from a happy state we can pass to a sad and suddenly explode with rage, watch out for those around you!

5. Loss of libido:

Stress causes our libido to diminish considerably, as we feel that exhaustion defeats us, yet, ironically, the act of sex is a great solution to release us from stress.
6. It is not easy for you to sleep:
If you allow the tension to take over your life and the problems of your mind, it will be very difficult to be able to fall asleep and if you do, you will feel that you did not sleep well or rest. In addition to being insomnia, one of the most common symptoms of you suffer from stress.

7. Loss of hair:

It is very common that in your days of stress the hair begins to fall. But beware! Well experts say that when it does, about 100 hairs fall per day, you do not want to end up bald, right?

8 . Your body becomes chaos: 

Stress is accompanied by anxiety. You will always feel the need to do something even if you feel exhausted and finally you will not do anything because you want to do everything at the same time. Stress is accompanied by anxiety. You will always feel the need to do something even if you feel exhausted and finally you will not do anything because you want to do everything at the same time.
Stress manifests itself in many ways, for example through: tense muscles, stomach problems (diarrhea or constipation), excessive stress, arthritis, headaches, among many others.

The best we can do is try to live more relaxed, be more organized with our occupations and give priority to our health. Do not forget to pamper yourself from time to time, your body also deserves a rest, opt for a massage, attend a spa, go on vacation or just take a day to sleep everything you want, the idea is to get out of the rut and forget yourself Of stress. Beware!

Do not forget to share this valuable information with your acquaintances, many ignore the stress until we fall ill. Inform your own! :)

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