Add oregano to your diet, improve your skin and strengthen your bones.

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Oregano is a shrub with evergreen leaves and it uses as many leaves as flowers which are where its characteristic aroma is concentrated.

It can be grown on almost any kind of soil, even in pots and prefers warm, dry and sunny weather. Mediterranean oregano has an ideal climate and it is from there that this herb comes with the highest concentration of essential oil.

Usually, we use it to enhance the flavor of the meals without knowing that this herb possesses incredible healing and medicinal properties. While we usually consume it dry, fresh keeps its properties better.

1. Relieves inflammation: Oregano is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic and thanks to its high concentrations of thymol, helps to strengthen muscles and fight inflammatory diseases.

It is an important source of Omega-3 and has minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and copper, as well as vitamins C, E, B6 and K, the latter being essential to strengthen bones.

2. Detoxifies the body: Recent studies have shown that oregano is able to detoxify the liver and help eliminate toxins thanks to its organic compounds and its important minerals.

3. Helps our skin: We have always heard that citrus fruits contain large amounts of antioxidants and nutrients, but believe it or not, oregano concentrates up to 20 times more in relation to other herbs and even in relation to blueberries that go to Front of fruits.

Its components prevent the aging of the skin and benefit our cells. 4. It improves our bone health: While we are young we do not make projections in the long term, but the truth is that with the years our bones become debilitated and we risk fractures, that is why it is important to feed ourselves properly during our youth. Oregano has calcium, and iron, which are essential minerals to strengthen the bone system and protect us from future osteoporosis. To take advantage of all these benefits provided by oregano, we recommend you prepare this healing drink: Ingredients: - 3 teaspoons fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried oregano - 300 ml water Preparation: - Boil water as for a cup - Place inside the Cup the oregano and pour the water - Cover the cup and let stand for 10 minutes - Paste the infusion and sweeten it with a teaspoon of sugar.

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