The word "Mason" comes from the French language, from the word "Maçon" from the Latin term "Machine" or "Mario", which means mason or mason. The word Freemason began to mean a mason of superior ability, and later mason who enjoyed a freedom and the privileges of the guilds. This meaning can be considered derived from the English phrase "freestone Masón" in opposition to the stonemason of ordinary stones.
In the new English dictionary of the Philological Society of Oxford, the word "Freemason" means emancipated craftsman. "These freemasons formed an independent guild which used a whole system of signs and passwords, by virtue of which each artisan admitted into the guild after Having proved his competence, could be admitted and recognized by his peers. " It is for this reason that one can see how these meanings predate the actual founding of Masonry and are to be found after 1375. These people were not active Freemasons nor architects, the so-called geomantic masons, joined with active Freemasons In their lodges, but not in modern Freemasonry.
Masonry, as it is known today, entered history when the Great Lodge of England was established in 1717. Evidently, the ancient Masonry (1347) of the modern (from 1717) differ in their organization and their purposes.
To know the current Freemasonry, we have preferred to spin in the following sections, statements and testimonies of Popes, refuted authors, and Masonic sources (the great masters) without comment some, since they alone explain everything in a more Accurate.
"Quite clear what appears and where is the sect of Masons. Its main dogmas differ so clearly from reason, that nothing can be more perverse. Desiring to end Religion and the Church founded and perennially preserved by God himself, and to revive the customs and doctrines of the Gentile after 18 centuries, is a great foolishness and audacious impiety " (Leo XIII, Encyclical" Human Genus ").
"Satanic sect that has by law only the lie, by its god to the devil, and by cult and religion what is more shameful and depraved on the face of the earth" (Pius VIII, Encyclical "Trade").
"All that has been in the most criminal sects and heresies of sacrilege, shameful and blasphemous, has passed into the secret sects and thus into Freemasonry." (Gregory XVI, Encyclical "Mirari Vos").
"Freemasonry, therefore, contends not only for Catholicism and Christianity but for every religious system of supernatural character" (Encyclopedia Americana).
"The granitic base of future politics (in Freemasonry) must be the war against Catholicism over the whole surface of the globe" (H. Petrucelli de la Gatineau).
"We have a corpse in the world, with a present body. This corpse is Catholicism. Such is the corpse to be thrown into the pit, uniting all our energies in a single effort, so that it may be done as soon as possible " (Fr. Van Humbert, Sovereign Great Masonic Commander of the Scottish Rite in Belgium).
"Masonry, by the fullness of its organization, rites, symbols and ceremonies, is capable of rivaling its great enemy, the Roman Church. Yes, we want war and death war against the Church. " (Global D'Aviella, Grand Master Masonic National of Belgium).
"The battle between Catholicism and Masonry is a battle to the death, without truce or quarter. It is necessary that where the black man appears, the Freemason comes. It is necessary that where the Cross is first raised as a sign of dominion, the other should display the Masonic banner. The two courses are perfectly laid out. The field of God and the field of Satan, according to Pope Leo XIII. There is no longer any hesitation; Against the Church or against us. " (HG Desmond, Member of the Supreme Council Mason of France).
"The Church must be shattered. What is the purpose of tolerating it any longer? What services have you rendered to humanity? Do not recognize man the power of Religion, and stop bowing to the sovereignty of the Church. " (H. Fri, Of the Supreme Council Mason of France).
"The characteristic note of the organization of speculative Masonry is the system of the 'Grand Lodge' established in 1717. Each Grand Lodge or Supreme Council in the Scottish rite, or great East in the mixed system, constitutes a sovereign and independent body with Legislative, executive and judicial powers. It consists of the lodges or lower bodies of their jurisdiction or of their legally assembled representatives, and the great dignitaries whom they choose.
A duly constituted lodge exercises the same powers as the 'Grand Lodge', but to a lesser extent. The indispensable dignitaries of a lodge are: In Venerable Grand Master, the Guardians old and new and the Porter. The Master and guardians are generally assisted by two Deacons and two Stewards in ceremonial and hospitality works, and by a Treasurer and a Secretary. Many lodges have a chaplain for religious ceremonies and speeches. The same dignitaries in great numbers and with pompous titles (Adorable Great Teacher, Sovereign Great Commander, etc.) exist in the great lodges.
Since the expenses of the members are heavy, only the well-off people can enter the institution, being restricted the number of candidates, for different conditions and for rules that require unanimity in the secret ballot for admission.
Thus, in spite of the supposed universality, Masonry is an exclusivist society, all the more so since it is secretly and entirely closed to the profane world. In practice, this is true, the prescriptions concerning the moral qualifications of the suitors are not fulfilled very scrupulously ... Many are registered to improve their economic conditions, ..., to open their way to certain social circles, as if it were a Commercial affair, or that they were forced to register because all of his circle did. There is also the type of those who enter because of curiosity or because of someone, on whom they depend, belongs to Masonry. " ("American Encyclopedia")
"As far as unity is concerned, the Masonic authorities unanimously affirm that Masonry is no more than 'one' in the whole world and that all Masons, in fact, form a single lodge, since the multiplicity of lodges only exists in favor To comfort, and therefore, any Mason in use of his rights has to be received in any logia of the world as brother and to be aided by his coreligionists when he is in need.
The good intelligence of Masons in different countries is fostered by personal communication and correspondence especially sustained between the office of the Great Secretary and the permanent international office established in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, by decree of the Masonic International Congress of 1903. ("Chronicle", 1907, II, 119).
"From the beginning to the end, says Pike, Masonry is all activity. The so-called Masonic secret is the internal and secret ritualistic work by which Masons are formed for external work. Masons are formed by three ceremonies: Initiation (first degree), Steps (second degree) and Elevation (Third degree).
The symbols used in this ceremony explained in accordance with Masonic principles and with the clues offered in the rituals and speeches of the other grades, constitute the Masonic instruction manual. The education thus begun is completed with all the ordinary life of the lodge, in which each Mason must take an active part, attending regular meetings regularly and taking advantage of his abilities.
The symbolism of Freemasonry, says Pike, in a letter to Gould, dated December 2, 1888, is the soul of the institution, and Boyd, the great orator of Missouri, confirms this information by saying that Freemasonry is' all symbol, Symbol, and symbol '" (" Chronicle ", 1902, I, 67).
"The main advantages of this symbolism, which is not peculiar to Masonry but refers to the mysteries and doctrines of all ages and all the factors of civilization, are among others:
Adapting to all opinions, doctrines, and tastes, it attracts the candidate and fascinates the initiate; It retains the neutral unity of Freemasonry, despite the profound differences in religion, race and individual tendencies; It exercises the mason in considering political and social institutions as transitional phases of human evolution; It allows Masonry to conceal its true ends in the eyes of the profane and even those of a few of the initiates themselves, who are unable to appreciate these ends in the sense in which the sect pursues them.
Freemasonry, says Pike, jealously guarded its secrets and intentionally leads by misdirected paths to disoriented interpreters. Some of the symbols are exhibited at the beginning but intentionally deviated from their correct appreciation, by means of false interpretations. The initiates are few, even though many are directed at the ritual words: 'The meaning of the symbols is not explained at once ... we make only general insinuations, so that you may find out with your effort; It is up to each Mason to discover the secrets of society. " ("American Encyclopedia").
"The main means to obtain the objective of Masonry are the following:
To destroy radically, on the basis of a blatant persecution, the Church or annihilate, by a fraudulent and hypocritical system of separation between her and the State, all the social influence of the Religion, insidiously called clericalism, and as far as possible, The same Church and all religion that is more than a vague cult of the country and humanity;
Laicize or secularize by an equally hypocritical and fraudulent system of religious neutrality, all public and private life, especially education and popular education. It should be noted that neutrality, as understood in the circular quoted in the Great East of France, is nothing more than an anti-Christian, anti-Catholic, atheistic, positivist and agnostic sectarianism disguised as neutral.
Freedom of thought in children must be systematically developed in children's schools, protecting it as much as possible against the opposite influence, not only of the Church and priests, but also of the parents themselves, and even by means Compulsory, moral and physical, if necessary. The great East considers this as indispensable and infallible, in order to arrive at the establishment of the universal republic and the much-desired peace of the world. " (Chaîne d'Union, 1889, 134, 202 ff. Compte Rendu du Congrès International Maçonnique de Paris, 16-17 July 1889. "Masonic Magazine", 1888 and 1910).
From the beginnings of modern Masonry (1717) to our times, the Church has condemned this movement in more than 200 documents. In all of them, Freemasonry is condemned as contrary to justice and natural morality, as well as enslavement, immorality, betrayal and apostasy.
Not interested in naming for reasons of space the more than 200 documents emanated from the Holy See in which the Church has prohibited, reprobated and condemned Masonry, we named some because of its importance:
A.- Documents:
"IN EMINENT" of Pope Clement XII, April 28, 1738.
"PROVIDED" by Pope Benedict XIV, May 18, 1751.
"ECCLESIAM" of Pope Pius VII, September 13, 1821.
"QUO GRAVIORA" of Pope Leo XII, March 13, 1825.
"APOSTOLICAE SEDIS" by Pope Pius IX, October 12, 1869.
"Sacred Congregation for the Faith Declaration" February 17, 1981. The pontificate of Pope John Paul II.
"Sacred Congregation for the Faith" November 23, 1983. The pontificate of Pope John Paul II.
B.- Encyclicals:
"TRADITI" of Pope Pius VIII, May 21, 1829.
"MIRARI VOS" by Pope Gregory XVI, August 15, 1832.
"QUI PLURIBUS" of Pope Pius IX, November 9, 1846.
"QUANTA CURA" by Pope Pius IX, December 8, 1864.
"ETSI MULTA" by Pope Pius IX, November 21, 1873.
"DIUTURNUM ILLUD", by Pope Leo XIII, 1881
"ETSI NOS" by Pope Leo XIII, February 15, 1882.
"HUMANUM GENUS" of Pope Leo XIII, April 20, 1884.
"AB APOSTOLICI" of Pope Leo XIII, October 15, 1890.
"PRAECLARA GRATULATIONIS" of Pope Leo XIII, March 18, 1902.
In all these two hundred documents a serious study of Masonry, of the aims it pursues, of the means it employs, of its objectives, and of the posture of any Catholic before this movement is made. Let's dig deeper into some of them by extracting parts of them.
Pope Clement XII, 21 years after the appearance of the Grand Lodge of England, carefully states the reasons why Masonic associations should be condemned from the standpoint of Christian and Catholic morality, politics and sociology, namely :
"The peculiar non- Christian (antichristian and anti-Catholic) and sectarian character of the sect, through which, theoretically and practically, the Christian faith in its adherents (those of Masonry) and through them, in the rest of society, Religious indifference and contempt for orthodoxy and ecclesiastical authority;
The inscrutable secret and insidious and immutable disguise of the Masonic association and its work, by means of which the men of its kind burst like thieves at home and like foxes, try to uproot the vineyard, perverting the hearts of men Simple and ruining their spiritual and material happiness;
The oaths of fidelity to Masonry and to the Masonic work, which can not be justified in their finality, in their object, nor in their form; Nor can they induce any moral obligation. Said oaths are condemnable because the purpose and object of Masonry are bad and condemnable, and the candidate, in most cases, ignores the importance and extent of the obligations assumed, and the said oath is an abuse, so Immoral, absolutely reprehensible ...
Moreover, the only essential objects of the secrecy of the sect, about which oaths are based, are nothing more than the political or anti-religious conspiracies which have been forged within the lodges, especially in Latin countries. Such secrets, ...; Make the oath even more immoral and therefore null and void; From which it follows that Masonic oaths are not only sacrilegious, but abusive and contrary to public order, which requires the solemn oath and the sacred obligation it imposes, as means to support truthfulness, so it is immoral and antisocial to demean them And caricature them.
The danger that such associations involve for the security and tranquility of the State and for the spiritual health of souls; From which there is an opposition between these societies and ecclesiastical and civil law. "
For this reason, Clement XII expressly states in this Apostolic Constitution: "We have resolved and decreed to condemn and forbid certain societies, assemblies, meetings, conventions, meetings or secret sessions, called Freemasons or known under some other denomination. We condemn and forbid them by means of this Constitution, which will be considered valid forever. "We recommend to the faithful to refrain from relating to these societies ... to avoid excommunication, which will be the sanction imposed on all those who contravene this Our order." (Apostolic Constitution "In Eminenti" of His Holiness the Pope Clemente XII, 28-April-1738).
Thirteen years later Pope Benedict XIV, in his document "Providers", reaffirms the censorship of Masonry and other secret societies made by his predecessor, this censorship was a penalty of Excommunication Latae sententiae reserved in a very special way to the Pope.
Pope Leo XII in his Bull "Quo Graviora" recalls the anathema pronounced against Freemasonry since Clement XII, declares this institution open enemy of the Catholic Church, saying:
"Watch out against the seductions and flattering speeches that are used to get you into these societies. Convince yourselves that no one can enroll in them without committing a most serious sin "..." Although there is no custom to exhibit what is most worthy of censure in the sight of those who have not reached the eminent degrees, it is nevertheless clear that The strength of these societies, so dangerous to the Religion, is increased with the number of those who enter. " (Bull Quo Graviora, by Pope Leo XII, March 13, 1825).
His Holiness Pius IX, in an address on September 25, 1865, made several warnings about Masonry, and among other things said:
"Unfortunately, these warnings have not had the desired success, and we have looked upon it as a duty to condemn this society again, in view of the fact that, out of ignorance, the false opinion may arise that it is harmless, Beneficence and that consequently could not be a danger to the Church of God "..." We condemn this Masonic society - and other societies of the same gender that, in the different form, tend to the same end - with the same penalties indicated in The Constitutions of Our predecessors; And this affects all Christians of every condition, rank or dignity and throughout the earth. "
Pope Leo XIII in his Encyclical "Dieturum illud" especially denounced the growing audacity of the sects and defined again the condemnatory position of the Church against Masonry. The doctrinal justification of this position is made by Leo XIII himself in 1884 with his Encyclical "Humanum Genus". The central nucleus of this document is constituted by an analysis of Freemasonry considered in itself and by a critical judgment condemning it. His Holiness Pope Leo XIII does not make distinctions: there is no good Masonry and another bad; Every sect that professes the Masonic principles and accepts all or part of its practices falls within the pontifical condemnation.
The fundamental judgment on Freemasonry is included in the statement that "Freemasonry is contrary to justice and natural morality. " The basis for justifying this condemnatory judgment lies in the total connections that unite Masonry with the principles of Naturalism. Masonry is the social and political projection of philosophical Naturalism.
But what are these naturalistic principles that Freemasonry accepts? First, the dogma of the absolute sovereignty of reason and its consequences: denial of Revealed Truth and religious indifference. This is certainly a theological error of Freemasonry. But Pope Leo XIII not only considers this but also in that same Encyclical "Humanum Genus" shows another series of Masonic errors. For the importance of this Encyclical, we recommend your careful reading
Another of the encyclicals of Leo XIII, the "Praeclara gratulations" in one of its chapters, comes to consider the Masonic danger, and in that document, the Pope describes Masonry as one of the wiles of the Catholic Faith. In this same document, the Pope attributes to the Masonry the ambition to achieve political control of each and every one of the States. That is why the Pope and that Encyclical warns:
"Another serious danger to Unity is Masonry, a fearsome power that has long been oppressing nations, and especially Catholic nations. Proud to insolence by its strength, its resources, and its successes, it does everything that is necessary, favoring the turbulences that agitate our time to consolidate and extend its domination everywhere.
From the hidden darkness in which he conspired, he breaks into the States today, showing himself in the light of day; And, as a challenge to God, has established its headquarters in the same city, a capital of the Catholic world. But the greatest misfortune of all is that, wherever Freemasonry sets its foot, it infiltrates all social classes and penetrates all the institutions of the State in order, if possible, to become a sovereign arbiter of all things. The greatest misfortune, we say, because both the perversity of its principles and the iniquity of its purposes are obvious things. Under the pretext of claiming the rights of man and reforming the sacraments, all august realities, as mere superstitions; It endeavors to de-Christianize marriage, family, education of youth, the whole of public and private life, as well as to make disappear in the soul of the people all respect to divine authority and human authority.
The cult that Masonry prescribes is the cult of human nature; And it is also the principles of human nature that he proposes as the only measure and only standard of truth, goodness, and justice. In this way, of course, man is incited to have an almost pagan morality and conduct, if not the growth and refinement of the seductions brings him down even lower.
Although in this matter we have already made very serious warnings on other occasions, our apostolic vigilance obliges us to insist on this point and to say and repeat again and again that, in the face of such a pressing danger, all defensive measures will always be insufficient. May the divine clemency deceive the purposes of Freemasonry! But it is necessary that the Christian people understand that we must once and for all shake off the infamous yoke of Freemasonry and that all those who are most oppressed by this yoke must put more energy into this work. We have already said what are the weapons to be used and what tactics should be followed in this fight; The victory is not in doubt with a leader like Him who could say one day: I have overcome the world (Jn 16,23). " (Encyclical" Praeclara Gratulationis "by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, 18 March 1902) .
Very hard is also the condemnation of Masonry, which Pope Benedict XV performed in Canon Law of 1917, where it is said:
"Those who give their name to the Masonic sect or to other associations of the same kind that plot against the Church or against legitimate civil powers, incur ipso facto in excommunication simply reserved to the Apostolic See." (Canon Law of 1917, canon 2.335).
"1. To clerics who have committed the offense referred to in canons 2334 and 2335, in addition to the penalties established in the aforesaid canons, should be punished with the suspension or deprivation of the same benefit, office, dignity, Pension or charge that the Church may have.
2. Clerics and religious who give their name to the Masonic sect or other similar associations must also be denounced to the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office " (Canon Law of 1917, Canon 2336).
The same canon law of 1917 establishes in other canons the following penalties for Masons: the prohibition of marriage and of being presided over by the parish priest (Canon 1065); Must be deprived of ecclesiastical burial (canon 1240), And other more penalties in the code.
His Holiness John Paul II renews this condemnatory tradition of the Catholic Church to Masonry. First, with a declaration of the Sacred Congregation for the Faith of 1981, where the existing censures are reaffirmed, it says:
"On July 19, 1974, this Congregation wrote to some Episcopal Conferences a reserved letter on the interpretation of Canon 2335 of the Code of Canon Law, which prohibits Catholics under penalty of excommunication, to register in Masonic associations and other similar ones.
Since this letter, when becoming public domain, has given rise to erroneous and biased interpretations, this Congregation, without wishing to prejudge the possible provisions of the new code, confirms and specifies the following:
The present canonical discipline which remains in full force has not been modified in any way.
Therefore, excommunication and other penalties have not been repealed.
What the Letter refers to the interpretation to be given to the canon in question must be understood, according to the intention of the Congregation, only as a call to the general principles of the interpretation of the penal laws for the solution of the Cases of each one of the persons that can be submitted to the judgment of the Ordinaries. On the other hand, it was not the intention of the Congregation to entrust to the Episcopal Conferences that they publicly pronounce themselves with a general judgment on the nature of the Masonic associations that imply derogations from those norms.
Rome, Seat of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, February 17, 1981 ".
Later His Holiness John Paul II, and once decreed the New Canon Law (1983), signed a Declaration on Masonry, edited by the Sacred Congregation for the Faith of November 26, 1983. This document reaffirms that membership Masonry is a grave sin that denies Catholics "the right to approach Holy Communion. " This document also affirms that the position of the Church on Masonic associations remains unchanged since the principles of Masonry have always been considered irreconcilable with the Doctrine of the Catholic Church. According to this Declaration, the affiliation of Catholics to Freemasonry is still prohibited by the Church. That text is as follows:
"The question has arisen as to whether the Church's judgment regarding Freemasonry has changed since the New Code of Canon Law is not expressly mentioned as it was in the previous Code.
This Sacred Congregation can respond that this circumstance is due to a writing criterion followed also in the case of other associations that have not been mentioned because they fall into broader categories.
Therefore, the negative judgment of the Church regarding Masonic associations has not changed, because its principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church; Consequently, affiliation to them is still prohibited by the Church. The faithful who belong to Masonic associations are in a state of serious sin, and can not approach Holy Communion.
It is not within the competence of the local ecclesiastical authorities to pronounce on the nature of the masonic associations with a judgment that implies a derogation from what has been established above, according to the meaning of the Declaration of this Sacred Congregation of February 17, 1981.
Pope John Paul II, at the audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect, approved this Declaration, decided at the ordinary meeting of this Sacred Congregation, and has ordered that it be published.
Rome, at the Headquarters of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, November 26, 1983. Signed Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (prefect) and Jean Jérôme Hamer, titular Archbishop of Lorium (Secretary).
Following this declaration of the Holy See, an editorial of the Osservatore Romano touches on the subject of Masonry and condemns it with a vigor that reminds us of Leo XIII in the "Humanum Genus". This article affirms that the Holy See has considered Masonry as responsible for subversive activities against the Church, and on four occasions the Editorial recalls that Christianity and Freemasonry are "irreconcilable"
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