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Not only do we repeat the cycle of birth, death and reincarnation which is what we habitually know as Samsara, we also live with Samsara everyday, that takes us time and again to the same point, in this post you will know why.

If we take any Sanskrit dictionary it will tell us that the word Samsara literally means "flow, becoming."

A term that refers to the wheel of reincarnations caused by the accumulation of actions that have to have a reaction. It is the cycle of births and deaths that takes place unceasingly while the Karma, the law of cause and effect of the Universe, is fulfilled.

But this simple definition contains a lot of wisdom, much to meditate.

Have you ever wondered why we repeat the patterns or constellations inherited from our parents? Or why do we always attract the same type of couples or jobs?

These situations may or may not upset us, no matter if what we feel is pleasurable or unpleasant. What is important to meditate is why we always attract the same to our life, because our life is conditioned by what surrounds us impossible to see beyond even denying their existence.

That is the question, to meditate if there is more life beyond our perceptions. 
Going beyond our safety zone involves risk, courage, courage, and therefore fear of the unknown, loneliness, death, abandonment and rejection.

To leave our zone of security, to break that recalcitrant samsara that kills us before dying, supposes to face our deepest fears. Knowing new states of existence, new forms of life and living, opens us to a whole Universe that makes us more humble, understanding, compassionate.

Before the Great Samsara of birth, death and rebirth there are infinite small samsaras that can dominate and stifle our lives.

Here are some examples:

To be born, to grow, to marry, to have children, debts, mortgages, lovers, to divorce, to die. This is the basic Samsara of the majority.

The System invites us to live subtly in this way because it perfectly safeguard their interests. This is the engine of the System. "There is no greater prison than that whose bars are invisible," said Dostoyevsky. This samsara invites us to live in our security zone in exchange for giving up Freedom.

Known by all is the saying: small town, big hell. Indeed, they are all those lives in love with their safety zone that in many cases neither live nor let live, stagnated after many years of frustrations, unable to look in the mirror. It is very probable that these people are living in samsaric cycles that they do not dare to break for fear of the consequences, reason why, anything external that moves them or makes them open the eyes will be subject of criticism and destruction.

Bored, invented, annoying your neighbor. This is a twisted samsara, characteristic of a deeply sick person, who urgently needs to draw attention at all costs. The life of this person displeases him deeply, prefers to look elsewhere, prefers to evade, prefers to invent another alternative life, does not want to completely escape his life or break with it because it gives him much material well-being.

There are many more samsaras, they all follow that Tantric proverb that says "what you think liberates, actually enslaves."

The film Samsara, illustrates well, is about a Tibetan Buddhist monk, his comfort zone is that he has been living in monastery since very small, knows no other way of life, is accommodated in it.

When his nature awakens, his Master instead of punishing, repressing or castrating him as they would in other religions, makes a very wise and daring decision. He invites you to leave the monastery, to live the life you must live and when you have completed that life to return.

Obviously, any new life, any exit from your security zone will bring your Karma, in addition to facing your fears. That is something to meditate. That is why the Sage is the one who always anticipates, who knows the possibilities and decides intelligently.

We all live in our safe zone because it safeguards us from our fears, from our anguish, but you know how to break it, the decision is yours whether you want to do it or not, but only one detail, if you have a partner share your frustrations with her, Do not make decisions to break your safety zone without having it because you can cause a lot of damage and this, will also bring its consequences, nothing escapes Karma.

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