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Many of us want to change and improve our lives and in fact, it is possible that we are always looking for the best way to do it. That is why we leave you here this sacred mantra to change your life.

The repetition of the mantra we speak of in this note is one of the most powerful techniques known to achieve the total change of life, to improve our existence in this dense and contaminated plane.

NAMAS SADDHARMA PUNDARIKA SUTRA is a sacred and confidential mantra that connects us with the divine essence of the universe and with the heart of God ... It is in Sanskrit literally meaning "consecration to the white lotus flower of the treatise of the wonderful way".

When we speak of a mantra we are referring to sacred syllables, words or phrases, usually of Sanskrit origin, which are repeated as support for meditating or invoking divine forces.

Repeat this mantra with humility trying to seek God within your heart. Focus your mind on your heart for 5 minutes.

Give it a 1% of faith that the rest is solved by this wonderful mantra, represented by a lotus flower.

So you have the worst of obstacles in your life, this wonderful repeated phrase will free you from all suffering.

Its repetition forms one of the most powerful techniques for spiritual liberation and cleansing of our subconscious. It helps us to change our life to the best and overcome all obstacles and even helps us to solve our karma.

The cleansing of the subconscious is equivalent to what Enric Corbera calls Biodescoding.

With its constant and disciplined repetition we can reach a wonderful transformation not only internal but also achieve such favorable changes in the environments and energies that surround us that we could qualify them as authentic and impressive miracles.

All you have to do is test it and practice it.

When we experience the wonderful effects of this technique and the benefits we gain from its practice we will realize that those who surrender to what seems impossible is because they do not know the strength of NAMAS SADDHARMA PUNDARIKA SUTRA.

All the energy of the spiritual and the divine is concentrated in this mantra that when pronounced will release great and immense amounts of energy that will transmute all the negative that we have inside us or that surrounds us.

The whole mantra as a whole has the capacity to become reality, to materialize and to be realized in deeds that we can feel and see.

Because of its capacity to materialize, it is through the practice of this mantra that we can achieve our paradise on earth, both internally and externally.


Every time we repeat the mantra, enormous quantities of energy and divine force are being discharged that bath our entire microcosm (organism) to the last most hidden corner.

We are almost always filled with negativity and a lot of moral waste of which we are often unconscious. Moral trash of this and other lives that are going to be stirred and that is going to be

Unearthed with the energy of the NAMAS SAD DHARMA PUNDARIKA SUTRA.

When the mantra begins to act in our dark subconscious - in what we know as our "shadow" - it will stir up all the garbage we have accumulated in our psyche. This garbage, which we did not even imagine that lay in us, is expelled making us discover hates, conflicts, and penalties that were in secret. That is, it is as if the "pandora box"

In the same way, we will feel energetic physical problems, like problems in the head, dizziness, thorns, etc. Indicative that the mantra has approached the core of the problem.

All these discomforts will indicate that we have found the germ of the psychic infection, that we are on the right track.

All negativity or dense energy will be dissolved, leaving a neutral force that is assimilable by us. That is, all our defects are taken advantage of by the mantra as a fuel that will lead us towards an improvement or illumination. That liberation, as we have said, occurs with many discomforts.

It is presumed that before this picture of reactions we take one of the following decisions:

A) Let us be carried away by fear and suspend the practice of NAMAS SAD DHARMA PUNDARIKA SUTRA, and we remain as before, with our sick life or with our daily miseries.

B) We do not let ourselves be overcome by fear and we increase the repetition of the mantra to continue fighting against the evil that we have unearthed. Then come hard days and fights.

But there will come a time when we will notice that with the repetition of the mantra everything bad is disappearing. We have triumphed and found the path of mastery (which is nothing more than the power to dilute the evil in us).

At this moment we can appreciate the result of our work with the mantra translated into a great improvement, much happiness, enlightenment, power over everything that damages us and multiple benefits.

We are already able to overcome the "monsters of the subconscious" and scare away the hidden beasts of our soul (The guardian of the threshold).

It is that we have transmuted the inferior that was in us towards something superior. We will feel that we are different from what we were before, stronger, with more goodness and that we are evil and the world. There will not be many of our bad desires.

From this moment we can say that we are "vaccinated" for all the bad that we present to us, as conflicts, defects. Any damage that threatens us will be overcome.

We will feel liberated from the chains that enslave us and keep us hooked many times to vile and unnecessary things. We will experience the relief and satisfaction of feeling free from everything. Especially what hurt us and caused us pain and worries.

We will acquire a kind of barrier of psychological protection that we will feel before everything bad that is presented to us. It is a protective effect that the Buddhas and divinities gave to the mantra for all their practitioners

With the practice of the mantra, the inner divine will have less and fewer layers on top of the elimination of blockages and contamination that is doing in us until activating capacities and powers that we did not know before.

We will acquire invocation abilities and decree that become progressively more effective. Each time we will have greater power of influence in the positive, starting with ourselves.

The mantra will act from the outermost to the innermost, sometimes the most conscious or least conscious.

First, it will eliminate those current negativities that will leave the subconscious to face it from the conscious.

Then we will come to the karma of past lives, or to the deepest, to the total overcoming.

We will radiate around us all that energy that explodes in us. Beneficial waves occur that affect everything and everything.

The first beneficiaries will be the people closest to us like family members, co-workers, neighbors and even those in the neighborhood.

It will transform the environment close to us, be it dense, with evilness, disharmony or aggressiveness. All that transforms and purifies it.

The places where we could not be before now will be completely different, with a special atmosphere, something big and cozy.

We are going to introduce new people, with certain surprises, new news, new projects, new people.

We will be connected with the beings who, in other planes, also repeat the mantra: with the buddhas, monks, with the discarnate and incarnates who are in astral travel.

And most important, we will establish a connection with the divine energy of the Universe. We will feel more and more subtle, in more communion with life

When we hear a recording of the mantra will also have good results. Also, we are irradiated receiving benefits.

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