Russian scientist manages to photograph the soul out of the body

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The moment the spirit leaves the body is astral disembodiment and was captured by the Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who captured the image of a person at the time of his death with a electrographic camera.

Russian scientist manages to photograph the soul out of the body

The image was taken by the method of visualization of gas discharge, an advanced technique of photography, Kirlian shows in blue the vital force that leaves the body little by little.
The soul leaves the body According to Korotkov, the navel and head are the parts that first lose vital energy (which would be the soul) and the groin and heart are the last areas in which the spirit leaves before leaving.

In other cases, Korotkov has pointed out that "the soul" of people suffering a  violent and unexpected death usually manifests a state of confusion in their configuration of energy and returns to the body in the days after death. (Perhaps this other  study of the soul is of interest to you )
The technique developed by Korotkov who is director of the Research Institute of the Physics Culture of St. Petersburg, is recommended as medical technology by the Russian Ministry of Health and is used by more than 300 physicians in the world for stress and monitoring the Progress of patients treated for diseases such as cancer. Korotkov says his technique of imaging energy could be used to see all kinds of biophysical imbalances and diagnose them in real time, and also to see if a person has psychic powers or if it is a fraud.

In this technique, which measures real-time stimulated radiation is amplified by the electromagnetic field is a more advanced version developed to measure the aura, he said.
Korotkov's observations confirmed that "electrophoretically stimulated light around the fingertips of the human being contains coherent and comprehensive statements of a person, both physically and psychologically.

The plasma leaves the body
"In this video interview (see below) Korotkov talks about the effect on the bioenergy field of food, water, and even cosmetics. And it emphasizes drink and organic foods, in particular noting that the aura of the people suffers negative effects by the technology distributed in this society.

Korotkov also speaks of his measurements of influences on people supposedly charged with power and influence in the bioenergetic fields of others. " A person's bioenergy field changes when someone directs their attention, even if it is consciously perceived. Also in a particular place, they are altered, for example, when there is a concentration of people ".

He also warns about the use of mobile phones and their negative radiation because it may be carcinogenic, there are several studies that can confirm it.
Korotkov is optimistic that this new scientific field, which is a pioneer of dissemination, especially in Russia, where some schools were teaching children to recognize and use energy as a quantifiable metaphysical fact.

Harry, the author of " The Invisible Universe of Harry Oldfield " shows through various technologies that he is able to reveal aspects of this unprecedented universe.
Three decades of research in this area and the practical application allowed Harry to present some very convincing evidence that there is much more than we can experience in the universe.

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