Has your Light Body activated already? Check symptoms

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Has your Light Body activated already? Check symptoms
For the inhabitants of Earth, the process of activating the "Body of Light" is not an option. If the Earth changes, all its inhabitants will have to change with it. Some are more advanced in the process, others come back, But we clarify that carrying a faster pace does not mean to be more spiritually evolved. It is the spirit that determines the level of activation of the body of light, according to the divine design and the planetary needs.

In March 1988 all humans received their first activation of the body of Light. It was made by means of a massive emission of tones, color and geometric patterns. Since then some of us have begun to experience physical discomfort, such as back pain on the right side: at the level of the hip, at the back of the heart and at the base of the brain; Exactly the three points of fit of these energies. Simultaneously all accumulated toxins, old traumas, fears, and stored emotions began to emerge in each, to be cleansed.

With each activation of the light body, mitochondria, which is sensitive to light, absorbs the energy tone/color , and increases, in bursts, the production of ATP. The ATP becomes ADP and the metabolism is accelerated dramatically.

If they wish, they can physically know the degree of activation they have already achieved by measuring the increase of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) in their cells.

With the second level of activation changes the rotation of the geometries in the emotional, mental and physical bodies. You may experience waves of intense fatigue.

At the third level, the axial circulatory system begins to form, which gradually extends and activates pivot points in each cell. Frequencies of sound and color change the atomic spin, especially of the hydrogen atoms. Sound and color realign the blood and the lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems.

The fourth level of activation involves the mental level. It begins a massive change in the chemistry and electromagnetism of the brain. You may experience headaches, numbness, chest pressure, and heart arrhythmia. Vision and hearing can be altered as your brain changes. It begins to feel as if an electric current, or vibration, flows from the skull to the end of your spine.

In the fifth level of activation begins a questioning of all concepts. It is the time to close and open many processes. What they need to do at this level is to surrender control to the spirit, that controls that until now exerted its mental body.

The sixth level is very painful because it entails the restructuring of the sense of identity and changes the purpose of life. In the seventh level comes the emotional plane, if they have blocks, they will begin to emerge. They will feel on an emotional roller coaster, experiencing crying and depression for no reason, and moments of ecstasy. Attachments dissolve and here many relationships end.

At the eighth level, the pineal and pituitary glands begin to grow and change shape, the brain expands. You feel pressure and pain in the forehead, and in the back right of the head (the back of the neck). It is possible that internally they begin to perceive geometric figures and tons (the language of light). At this stage, many believe they are suffering from Alzheimer's because memory begins to fail seriously. The explanation is that to gain 95% of the brain, they must first lose 5%.

Simply the connections, which were accustomed to using, have become inaccessible; While new ones are being created. At this stage also mutations occur in the nervous system.

When you activate the ninth level you feel intense pain at the level of the lumbar spine and hips and discomfort in the pelvic area. At the end of this stage, neutrality is achieved and emotions no longer interfere. Complete surrender to the spirit begins and with it the awakening.

When the delivery of the ego is completed, unconditional love emerges.

Then the spirit descends massively to take up residence in the body and we begin to assume our role as the multi-dimensional masters that we really are.

By: Tashira Tachi-ren 

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