5 Things you've ever asked yourself

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How does Curiosity to become selfish? 

Surely you have ever wondered how the rover curiosity does to photograph itself. Well, it turns out he has a telescopic arm to do these selfies, but ... And how come you do not see? The trick is that the camera that is placed at the end of the robotic arm, combines different photos for the final shot. If you look a little, sometimes you can see the shadows of the different angles of the arm. The selfies of this endearing rover have become one of the ways that Curiosity is teaching us what it sees on Mars and how its day to day work.

 How long does it take for the sun to go around the Milky Way? 

That is something, not because it is in a way very evident, it ceases to be a question that almost nobody is made. To give us an idea of the dimensions of the Universe (and in particular, of our galaxy), there is a very curious fact that perhaps you did not know, and it is that the Sun takes, 225 million years of attention in giving a complete return to The Milky Way. Amazing, right? 

Already but just as the sun orbits very slowly our galaxy ... well, actually the Sun moves around the galactic center, describing an immense orbit at the speed of 792,000 kilometers per hour (or what is the same: 220 km / S).

Is there an immortal being? 

We've all asked each other on that occasion, I think. And the answer is not "The human being" (or at least, not at the moment). Until that day arrives, there is already a small jellyfish barely one centimeter in size, which is immortal. It is called Turritopsis curricula, and under certain stress conditions, this creature can go in the opposite direction of the biological clock, so that its cells become a polyp, the juvenile structure of any jellyfish. He seems to be able to repeat this process, infinitely many times ... This jellyfish is native to the Caribbean seas but has spread all over the world. 

A pre Agusta that everyone is made is: How much does everything built by man on Earth weigh?. All right, Maybe it's a geek question that nobody does, but not for that, it stops being less curious its answer. The products created by our technology already weigh 30 billion tons and are more numerous than all living species on the planet. Everything built by human beings to keep us alive on Earth is called a technosphere, and comprises houses, factories, farms, roads, airports ... and also smaller utensils such as mobile phones, computer systems, toothbrushes ... Whatever ... Of course, seen this way it does not seem so extraordinary that all this exceeds in weight, all forms of life on the planet, right? Or if? 
The extent of the human footprint on the planet is equivalent to more than 50 kilos per square meter of the earth's surface. At its present scale, The technosphere is a new important phenomenon of this planet and that is evolving extraordinarily fast. 

Do you know why it makes us laugh when they tickle us? 

A question that you have asked yourself a thousand times ... (Or probably not) Well, according to studies by scientists at the University of Tübingen, the laughter that is provoked by tickling, is actually a defense mechanism. When you tickle someone, you are actually stimulating the nerve fibers that cause pain. Incredible but true. Eye, I'm talking about tickling by physical contact, not when you laugh for a joke. 
The laughter of joy and amusement activates areas of the brain that control facial and vocal reactions, but only the tickling activates the hypothalamus, the region linked to pain. 
It is seen that this kind of tickle laughter indicates submission, a recognition of defeat. Or put another way: Tingling is likely to be interpreted by the organism as a threat, and that laughter is a social signal of submission to avoid getting hurt or to defuse an alarming situation. 

According to the studies, at the moment of receiving tickles activates in the brain the part that anticipates the pain, for this reason, it is possible to accidentally attack the person who is trying to tickle you. 

This explains why we can not tickle ourselves: our brain is consistent that there is no need to provoke a response to an action or worry about anything. Or put another way: Tingling is likely to be interpreted by the organism as a threat, and that laughter is a social signal of submission to avoid getting hurt or to defuse an alarming situation. 

According to the studies, at the moment of receiving tickles activates in the brain the part that anticipates the pain, for this reason, it is possible to accidentally attack the person who is trying to tickle you. This explains why we can not tickle ourselves: our brain is consistent that there is no need to provoke a response to an action or worry about anything. Or put another way: Tingling is likely to be interpreted by the organism as a threat, and that laughter is a social signal of submission to avoid getting hurt or to defuse an alarming situation. According to the studies, at the moment of receiving tickles activates in the brain the part that anticipates the pain, for this reason, it is possible to accidentally attack the person who is trying to tickle you. This explains why we can not tickle ourselves: our brain is consistent that there is no need to provoke a response to an action or worry about anything. And that laughter is a social signal of submission to avoid getting hurt or to defuse an alarming situation. 

According to the studies, at the moment of receiving tickles activates in the brain the part that anticipates the pain, for this reason, it is possible to accidentally attack the person who is trying to tickle you. This explains why we can not tickle ourselves: our brain is consistent that there is no need to provoke a response to an action or worry about anything. And that laughter is a social signal of submission to avoid getting hurt or to defuse an alarming situation. According to the studies, at the moment of receiving tickles activates in the brain the part that anticipates the pain, for this reason, it is possible to accidentally attack the person who is trying to tickle you. This explains why we can not tickle ourselves: our brain is consistent that there is no need to provoke a response to the action or worry about anything.

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