Israeli engineers who imitate nature

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There is a myriad of examples in which engineers have copied models of nature. In the fast sharks, the surface of the skin is endowed with very small scales glued. In these scales are very fine sharp grooves parallel to the current.

These microscopic grooves achieve a reduction in frictional resistance. This idea has been used to make new coatings for ships and to develop garments that reduce water resistance and improve speed. Through the micro sucks circulates the water without turbulence, reducing the friction. This friction reducing effect also works in the air. Airplanes that have a thin film with a fine sawed profile have a lower fuel consumption of 3%. Israeli scientists at the University of Tel Aviv found in the outer skeleton of the eastern hornet organic semiconductor crystals, which function as solar cells. These insects use the solar current, both for the production of heat and to supply with energy their kinetic apparatus and their metabolism.

Most outstanding are the fact that this biological system is not only capable of creating electrical energy, but is also capable of storing it. That is why bionic scientists believe that at some point not too far away, solar cells can revolutionize photovoltaic technology. During the development of a new tire the cat's legs were taken as a model; In a wide series of tests was perfecting the system. The cat leg becomes larger when it brakes, transmitting more force on the ground, than when walking or running normally. With the help of a new concept for the contour of the tire has been achieved to improve this feature. The new tire widens when braking, causing more rubber to come into contact with the asphalt and thus reducing the braking distance.

Biologists from the National Engineering Laboratory and Environment of Idaho (USA) have cloned five proteins mussel to develop a natural adhesive waterproof. The mussels produce a resin with adhesive properties that do not detract anything from any commercial super pig. 

The sonar of bats has served the British company Round Foresight to create a cane that allows the blind to move more easily and safely. Julian Vincent, a professor of biomimetics at the University of Bath in England, developed in 2004 an intelligent clothing that adapts to temperature changes based on pineapples. The biomimicry is not only a way of perceiving nature, it is also a strategy for the reintegration of human systems in natural systems, to reinstate the technosphere into the biosphere. Studying the latter tells us how to reform the bad design of it, to rebuild human systems making them compatible with the biosphere, so that they fit harmoniously, without inconsistencies, with natural systems. It is not only an application of engineering or architecture ... It is to understand the principles of the functioning of life on its different levels (in particular the ecosystem level), so that the urban, industrial and agricultural space looks more like To the functioning of natural ecosystems. Nature, the only company that has never broken down in about 4 billion years, according to biologist Frederic Vester, provides us with the model for a sustainable, high-productivity economy. Could biomimetic inspire us for an ecological reconstruction of the economy? 

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