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The pineal gland is an endocrine gland located in the brain.

It is said to be the seat of the soul.

It is believed that this small gland is involved with the third eye to reach higher levels of consciousness, and acts as a gateway to dimensions beyond our own. 

To fully activate your spiritual potential and harness the power of the pineal gland, you must begin by strengthening your function with proper detoxification and nutrition. Researchers are discovering that in many people, because of our poor nutrition with pesticides and food-laden chemicals and environmental toxins like fluoride in the water, the pineal gland, and our whole body are increasingly exposed to many more toxins and nano- organisms. 

All this forms a kind of calcium shells around themselves for the protection of our immune systems, Leading to calcification of the pineal gland. Many of us have a pineal gland that is already fully calcified. And of course, this does not go very well when we try to take advantage of the esoteric abilities of this gland through the practice of yoga, meditation, the use of medicinal plants such as ayahuasca. The detoxification process is essential to begin if we want to exploit our full spiritual abilities.

Here is a list of 8 supplements that will increase the pineal gland, assist in its decalcification, and help on the journey to personal and spiritual cultivation:

- Melatonin

The pineal gland already produces the hormone melatonin, which affects the circadian rhythms of the waking body and sleep. Melatonin is also associated with relaxation and visualization, and people often take melatonin supplements as a sleep aid or to help overcome jet lag after a long journey.

When buying melatonin supplements, make sure the products are of plant origin and not animal.

- Oregano Oil and Neem Extract

Both oregano oil and neem extract help in the purification process, helping to eliminate existing calcification within the pineal gland, in addition to purification of body systems, especially the endocrine system.

In the Western world, oregano oil is also becoming a holistic form of strengthens the immune system.

In the longer term, any of these supplements will act as a natural antibiotic against the new calcium shells created by nano-bacteria.

 - Pure Cocoa

Crude, organic pure cocoa can help detoxify the pineal gland due to the high antioxidant content of cocoa.

Cocoa will also help stimulate the third eye.

 - Foods with a high content of chlorophyll

Supplements such as spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass and blue-green algae are examples of super-rich chlorophyll foods that offer similar benefits to eating green leafy vegetables, but much more nutritious with a small dose.

These supplements help in decalcification of the pineal gland due to its strong detoxification properties.

 - Apple vinager

A natural detoxifier, apple cider vinegar helps to decalcify the pineal gland due to its properties of the malic acid. Malic acid is an organic compound that gives the fruit its bitter taste. When taken as a supplement, it is compatible with the digestive system and helps to detoxify the body. Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits. 

- The iodine

Many of us have been exposed to sodium fluoride due to fluoridation of our water systems, and this has also resulted in calcification of the pineal gland. Iodine, which occurs naturally in plants such as algae, effectively improves the elimination of sodium fluoride through the urine. Unfortunately, the Western diet has left us deficient in this vital mineral, while our bodies need it. To avoid calcium deficiency when taking iodine supplements, a diet that incorporates many organic foods such as kale, broccoli, almonds, oranges, flax seeds, sesame seeds, dill, thyme and other dried herbs is recommended.

 - Fish oil

If you want to take a natural supplement to decalcify your pineal gland, organic blue fish oil may be one of the most powerful options out there. This oil contains Activator X - a detoxifier discovered by Weston Price that combines vitamins K1 and K2 - which allows the body to remove calcium from various locations throughout the body, such as the pineal gland and arteries. Instead of removing excess calcium, as iodine does, Activator X places it in the areas where calcium is most needed, such as bones and teeth. The damage caused by calcification has been shown to result in diseases such as atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. It also helps with tooth decay.

 - Boron / Borax

Another good supplement that can be used to remove fluoride from the human body is the boron mineral. It is naturally present in beets, which can be eaten raw, steamed, cooked, as well as in a powder supplement. It is also present in other foods, such as dried plums. Borax is an inexpensive source of boron that can be purchased at most grocery stores.

In addition to the supplements listed above, there are many foods that help to decalcify and improve the function of the pineal gland in addition to detoxification from other parts of the body. These include Coriander, Tamarind, Goji Berries, Watermelon, Bananas, Honey, Coconut Oil, Hemp Seeds, Seaweed, Noni Juice, Garlic, Chaga Mushrooms, Lemon Juice Crude.
Has your Light Body activated already? Check symptoms
For the inhabitants of Earth, the process of activating the "Body of Light" is not an option. If the Earth changes, all its inhabitants will have to change with it. Some are more advanced in the process, others come back, But we clarify that carrying a faster pace does not mean to be more spiritually evolved. It is the spirit that determines the level of activation of the body of light, according to the divine design and the planetary needs.

In March 1988 all humans received their first activation of the body of Light. It was made by means of a massive emission of tones, color and geometric patterns. Since then some of us have begun to experience physical discomfort, such as back pain on the right side: at the level of the hip, at the back of the heart and at the base of the brain; Exactly the three points of fit of these energies. Simultaneously all accumulated toxins, old traumas, fears, and stored emotions began to emerge in each, to be cleansed.

With each activation of the light body, mitochondria, which is sensitive to light, absorbs the energy tone/color , and increases, in bursts, the production of ATP. The ATP becomes ADP and the metabolism is accelerated dramatically.

If they wish, they can physically know the degree of activation they have already achieved by measuring the increase of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) in their cells.

With the second level of activation changes the rotation of the geometries in the emotional, mental and physical bodies. You may experience waves of intense fatigue.

At the third level, the axial circulatory system begins to form, which gradually extends and activates pivot points in each cell. Frequencies of sound and color change the atomic spin, especially of the hydrogen atoms. Sound and color realign the blood and the lymphatic, endocrine and nervous systems.

The fourth level of activation involves the mental level. It begins a massive change in the chemistry and electromagnetism of the brain. You may experience headaches, numbness, chest pressure, and heart arrhythmia. Vision and hearing can be altered as your brain changes. It begins to feel as if an electric current, or vibration, flows from the skull to the end of your spine.

In the fifth level of activation begins a questioning of all concepts. It is the time to close and open many processes. What they need to do at this level is to surrender control to the spirit, that controls that until now exerted its mental body.

The sixth level is very painful because it entails the restructuring of the sense of identity and changes the purpose of life. In the seventh level comes the emotional plane, if they have blocks, they will begin to emerge. They will feel on an emotional roller coaster, experiencing crying and depression for no reason, and moments of ecstasy. Attachments dissolve and here many relationships end.

At the eighth level, the pineal and pituitary glands begin to grow and change shape, the brain expands. You feel pressure and pain in the forehead, and in the back right of the head (the back of the neck). It is possible that internally they begin to perceive geometric figures and tons (the language of light). At this stage, many believe they are suffering from Alzheimer's because memory begins to fail seriously. The explanation is that to gain 95% of the brain, they must first lose 5%.

Simply the connections, which were accustomed to using, have become inaccessible; While new ones are being created. At this stage also mutations occur in the nervous system.

When you activate the ninth level you feel intense pain at the level of the lumbar spine and hips and discomfort in the pelvic area. At the end of this stage, neutrality is achieved and emotions no longer interfere. Complete surrender to the spirit begins and with it the awakening.

When the delivery of the ego is completed, unconditional love emerges.

Then the spirit descends massively to take up residence in the body and we begin to assume our role as the multi-dimensional masters that we really are.

By: Tashira Tachi-ren 
How Karmic Court Grants Dispensations | Pallas Athena


Pallas Athena, Goddess of Liberty and Member of the Karmic Court, tells us:

Know that what really decides a dispensation, even in favor of the Lord of the World, is a number of voluntary energies that, as you can demonstrate, will be offered to encourage His cause among the people He is striving to serve! No matter how great the plan is; No matter how beautiful the design is; No matter what thought these have interwoven, with the energies of the various Retreats, their Hierarchs and the Brotherhood gathered; The Pattern that will assist the Race, the Impersonal Cosmic Law, is such that the energy voluntarily contributed by the members of the Race must be demonstrated before We can agree to grant dispensations and permits.

Everything here and hereafter requires energy investment. The more one advances in the path of light, the more priceless is the gift of energy and the gift of life, and we, who hear the supplication of a Cosmic Being, know every holy and sanctified word that passes through His lips, and not We can imprison those magnificent energies in the world of physical appearances, which would happen if we were to accept His request without Him having currents of life in the lower atmosphere whose energies He could use instead of His own.

The Higher Being is, the less likely we are to give a dispensation requiring the condensation and entrapment of His energies ( which can be used at Cosmic levels ), unless there are funnels through which He can direct His pattern And divine plan, and that those funnels of receptive consciousness to that plan use their own energies; And more than that: They stimulate the interest of others around them to externalize the plan.

So when the Beloved Lord of the World presents His petition and the glorious suggestions that come from the heart of Shamballa, the Karmic Tribunal looks to see what current of life will support His plan and be receptive to it; And if the Lord of the World can show us that there is such a current of life, then We, in response, give Him a dowry of Our Energy , which is equal in quantity to the energy that the disciples voluntarily offer to the Tribunal. For each disciple giving his energy to sponsor a cosmic cause, We balance the Cosmic Reserve and duplicate it.

However, if the Master ( either the Lord of the World, any of the Chohanes or other Divine Being ) does not have a reducing transformer; If he does not have disciples in the world in the way that, when examined, are found deserving and capable of externalizing the Master's plan, then we recommend to the Master that in the next cycle of 6 months stimulate and magnetize the interest of some disciples , Returning later with that disciple in the internal body.

Then the Master returns to present the plan and says: "Here is an individual who is able to execute the details of the plan. I will give you the seed idea - you will develop your intuition - and he, working in the world of form, can - I assure you - gather others around him and complete this design. If that is the case, then we look at the inner bodies of the disciple, examine him well and if we find that the Master will have the assistance, we accede to his request.

It is a very difficult task because of we, in our Divine realm, see the need! We see the condition in which the Earth is, we see the short period of time in which this tremendous task is to be performed! Of course, every plan that comes to us from the Ascended Host is magnificent, and yet everything is determined by the enthusiasm and voluntary energy that is contributed by non-ascended beings! When Beloved Masters can count on so few units to externalize His Plan, century after century, We are in need of denying them the opportunity to realize it. One of the most important chains, you could say, that tied our hands is the mass karma of the race.

To those of you who are interested in obtaining dispensations, you would be grateful to work on eliminating the massive karma of the race through the use of Violet Fire. As far as you are concerned in the unaligned state, you are also examined when you present your petitions, and the ambition of your petition is examined in the light of your own ability to do something to accomplish it; And the application energies that you would or could do are considered.

In this line their past record is considered, and where there is some promise that if they are granted grace, their own energies in the petitions will help to realize that grace, at least they are given a permission, a partial permission. But if the petitions have been written lightly, hoping that another part of life will be realized, no matter how magnificent they may be, we can not access them unless an Ascended Master adopts them, sponsors them and offers them as His. I am also grateful to be able to give you some explanation with respect to the presence of animal life on planet Earth today, and the responsibility invested on humanity to assist that life within its own natural beauty and perfection of expression. Each form that manifests itself in the three-dimensional plane is a portrayed idea that is maintained in the consciousness.

Even the physical body is merely externalized thinking. During the early Golden Ages, when mankind chose to accept the responsibility of incarnating on Earth, the Angelic, Devil and Elemental Kingdoms preceded humanity in order to "prepare a place for it." These Angelic, Devotion and Elementary forms were extremely beautiful, portraying the Divine Image of their own archetype held in the mind and heart of God Himself. You will remember that the octopus was originally a graceful golden sun, its tentacles were rays of incandescent light, and both the oyster and the clam today were beautiful fairy forms.

These elementals were destined to travel with the humanity of the Earth, serving them - obedient to their smallest indications - along with the long pilgrimage from eternity to eternity. There were no impure or unpleasant forms on Earth before humanity came. When the first group of humans left the Sun, they also portrayed the glory of their own Electronic Bodies, and the physical garments they wore externalized the Image of God as they clearly remembered in their consciousness.

This was a time of great beauty, great happiness, and great peace. There was no veil between the Inner Presence and the outer mind, and by dwelling constantly in the perfection of His own I AM Presence, as He absorbed His beauty with His physical sight, as He enjoyed His Presence with feelings, the docile substance of elemental life Obediently manifested that Image in man, woman, and child. It was, in truth, a Garden of Eden.

When humanity ceased to direct their attention and consciousness towards the Divine Plane, whose design they had portrayed, the vision of the Presence of God began to dissolve into consciousness and the lines became blurred, the silhouette distorted ( as well as when they see his own image through the water in motion ). Since consciousness no longer held the True Image, the projected form ( which is no more than the film in the camera ) adopted the distortion, and the physical bodies of the people began to portray the cloudy concept of Divinity that they had filmed about , Say, the Immaculate Concept ( unalterable ) of its own Archetype.

In the same way, humanity began to impress the most innocent and childlike consciousness of elemental forms who, by absorbing the distorted figures through their own sight, hearing and feelings ( and being OBEDIENCE ENCARNADA ), began to take on the characteristics of Their masters (?) And gave rise to the appearance of the animal kingdom ... which are the elementals imprisoned in the forms suggested by man's own thoughts and human nature.

As time passed, more and more of the concentrated qualities of mankind's own nature were incarnated in these animal forms, until you came upon the terrible beasts of so-called "prehistoric times" ( dinosaurs, Etc. ) this was the darkest point in Earth's history, and from then on began the slow evolution of man, from elemental and beast upwards, toward civilization of some sort. There is only one way up for all life, and this is through the Love of some Higher Intelligence until the lower life is released.

Mankind consciously imprisoned the elemental kingdom in animal form, and among its ranks, some members of the human race must love this life until it is liberated. Great men and women ( such as our Brother Koot Hoomi, as Francis of Assisi ) have loved hundreds of thousands of these imprisoned friends, raising their consciences and natures by association, until they never needed to incarnate in forms inferior to Its natural state.

Some lifestyles are naturally equipped for this service. Some have volunteered at the inner levels to assist this kingdom. Others are required, by karmic law, to balance this realm by the particular debts contracted with its members through past activities, in one form or another. ALL pursue the course seated by their hearts, and ALL receive their Freedom for the Masters who ( I assure you ) are present especially where there is the need for help. If We were not where life imprisoned is present, long ago we would have left Earth ... We should never enter the shadows of the astral plane and, with our own hands, undress those currents of life from accumulations of centuries of misuse Of the energy of God ... We should never enter the Palisade and serve there. Wherever the shadows are darker, the need is greater, the impure is manifested ... It is there that they will find the Sons of Mercy and Love.

Some teachings have given stipulations prohibiting the presence of animals in the student's atmosphere. There were several reasons for this law, which ruled only a specific type of discipline.


The neophyte had to dedicate ALL his attention, concentrated on one point, to the spiritual search, contemplation, and efforts leading to make the connection of God with his Source. Naturally, the presence of any creature requires some attention and the necessary abandonment of the absolute renunciation required by the Vedic Law to attain the totality of the Impersonal Life. In the same way, these students could not have human beings in their surroundings, having to become true hermits when trying to be free of the distractions of the form.


Each pulsating heart generates a vibration, a radiation, a sphere of influence, which contributes to the atmosphere in which it functions. This influence ( human, animal or elemental ) can be beneficial or not, depending on the temperament and nature of the being in question. For example, a herd of sheep or cows that feed, emit a real substance of peace and contentment, and a soft golden aura flows from them, which explains the joy of man, derived from pastoral scenes.

A purring cat emits a soft pink glow; And a singing cricket, in the heart, a blue aura, which does not harm the atmosphere at all. Of course, if the man, the elemental or the animal are unsettled, the inner atmosphere of the student is affected by the energy with which each sphere of influence, whether big or small, is surrounded. This is the reason ( perhaps selfish ) that many people prefer to eliminate ( to the extent possible ) any presence that may adversely affect their own auras, and do not take into account the fact that the strength of their sphere of influence Individual, can be the leaven of bread, as far as lower intelligence are concerned.

This is a completely individual decision, but the student on the path must realize and remember that the elder should always be the Master of the child, and that the energy of God's Intelligence through the human heart is naturally the control of The energy in the beast, and that there is no need to fear the lower life, though there is a great need to love it until it is liberated. I hope this will give them an understanding of fragments of the Law, which will allow them to go on their own individual path, giving freedom to those other currents of life, so that they serve life as well as they can.

SAINT GERMAIN   The Mahá Chohán speaks: Many of My Disciples, who have a deep understanding and love for the constantly chastened members of the quadrupeds' reign, have wondered inwardly whether these blessed animals pass through the "second birth." Now I answer and tell you that only those endowed with the privilege of passing through the chain of physical incarnations ( as human beings ) carry the Immortal Spark of Deity within the Anaerobic Cell, which is known as the Victorious Triple Flame Immortal.

The animal kingdom evolves souls who, at a certain point, are liberated from reincarnation by entering the Dévic Kingdom or the Kingdom of Nature, but who are, like the Angels, servants of some Intelligent Divine Being who directs them to bring love, healing, peace, And protection.

They do not have free will to create and use the Sacred Fire, unless they choose to take on the responsibility of accepting the Immortal Fire within the Anaerobic cell and, through a "round", evolve a soul that provides the appropriate chamber for the discharge of the Sacred Fire, thus gaining the privilege of being co-creator with God. ( You will remember that Beloved Oromasis was granted immortality by the Ascended Master, Our Beloved Saint Germain ).

If any elemental or animal serves them well, they may offer immortality to that little creature when they are Lords of the Flame, having experienced the "second birth" ( Ascended ). They will be able to approach the Great Central Sun and obtain a "Spark of Life", that creature can accept or not. If they decide not to accept it, she will live a life ( for all eternity ) of love, peace, and security, but she will not be able to create it through the use of the Sacred Fire. If you decide to accept it, you must begin a round of birth and rebirth, until a soul has evolved that can be deemed worthy to discharge the Immortal Spark and thus create a new Lord of the Flame. Just as many have refused this experience, so many have accepted it.

In the patio of my house, there is a rosemary, beautiful and leafy, I would say that it is already about 50 years old for the little and I wonder ... Is it that the older you have, the more beneficial and powerful your properties?

I am a lover of the trees, plants, flowers and medicinal herbs of the garden, I believe that God left them there so that we make a good use of them.

In short, my Mother helped me a little to discover what the goodness of this tree.

Characteristics of rosemary:

An aromatic shrub that has a height of up to 3 meters. Stems straight and branched.

Leaves of a bright green, pale blue flowers, with stamens longer than petals.

It grows in most of Southern Europe. It is cultivated all over the world for its medicinal properties, aroma and sweet taste as it is used in Mediterranean cuisine.

Active components: It has minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper.

- Analgesic, antioxidant, facilitates digestion, diuretic, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory

- For hair loss, it is also used in the treatment of diseases such as AIDS, cancer or Alzheimer's, degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis.

- It is also used for the treatment of degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis.


- The smell of this plant increases memory up to 75%: Another important property of rosemary is that its aroma "increases memory" by up to 75%. The smell of rosemary helps to remember.

- It has been discovered that rosemary oil makes it possible to improve long-term memory and to remember to do things as daily as going to an appointment or remembering a certain date.

- In addition to improving memory and ability to perform mental exercises, this new finding attributes a great capacity to remember actions that we want to do in the future, and thus makes the Romero a fantastic remedy for today's life so hectic.

How to use:

- It is recommended to infuse one tablespoon of rosemary tea per cup of water. Take 3 cups a day.

This Blessed One and Great Being of Love directs to the Planet Venus next to the Lady Venus. Long ago ... a long time our Planet Earth ceased to shine in the firmament shrouded in the shadows of human creations to such an extent that the Great Universal Law saw with difficulty that it could continue sustained in its orbit. Already Love was not the predominant sentiment, nor was Peace sustained and therefore did not emanate Light. The Sacred Fire in the hearts of mankind had diminished to the point of being minimized, and souls sought no divine food. 

Through this state we passed our beloved Earth and yet there was someone who loved her enough to stand before the Great Cosmic Council and present the idea that if some totally Free Being would bring to Her His Light and feed those tiny Sparks of Light In the heart, keeping them active and reviving them with all the Power of His Divine Love, "someday" humanity would return to His Divinity; "Someday" would expand that Golden Presence that lives within the Flame of the Heart and would reveal itself through every carnal form. That being was SANAT KUMARA, who from His Home on Venus, looked at the beauty and splendor around him and remembered the beauty and splendor of the Earth when it had not yet been infected and wrapped in the shadows; And I take the firm resolve that a Planet created with Divine Love, sustained so long by Masters, Angels, Nature Beings and by Virgo itself (Spirit of the Earth), should have an opportunity for redemption. 

Thus was presented His offering and thus was accepted, and not only He but thirty Beings of Venus (30 Kumaras) out of Love to His Lord, offered to incarnate on Earth and build for Him a beautiful Golden Palace and a luminous Golden City to That He would not miss His Star and His place of residence in Her. 

This was a sacrifice beyond the imagination since the Earth was in its moment of more darkness and they had to be born in him, to be part of the effluvia of its atmosphere and to retain nevertheless the memory of its Purpose until the attainment. Beloved Sanat Kumara - Pink Ray of Divine Love Nine hundred years passed, incarnating and disincarnating, meeting from various points on the Planet assuring his idea to build Shamballa in time. 

And although the hordes of shadows often destroyed their city materially, they could not destroy the vision that was firm and pulsating in their hearts throbbing with Love for their Lord. Thus, when the Lemurian Polar Star signaled the coming of Sanat Kumara, everything was ready and this Great Being could dwell in His Golden City. 

There His Task began to draw upon those inner human souls upon the Inner Levels, loving them so much, until that Divine Feeling could awaken some spark of wishing to return to live in the Will of God. Blessed brothers, this self-imposed exile did not last two or three years, that "someday" to which He referred four and a half million years! I would say another Great Being called El Morya: "Gentlemen ... THIS IS LOVE !! His Liberation came when a Son of the Earth qualified to hold this Planet in His place, so did the Beloved Gautama by becoming Lord of the World and being invested as such on January 1, 1956, being allowed to the Great Sanat Kumara to return To His Star and Home on January 21, 1956. 

Today she continues to act as Regent of the Earth, visiting her at times of Special Events. The Beloved Sanat Kumara speaks: The Patient Love, for many ages of time, is My gift to Life and if you know My Service, you can verify this reality. That Patient Love that saved his Planet and allowed me to fulfill My Task with Joy. Beloved beings ... can you feel that Patient Love for each other, and for all life wherever it may be? And ... What is Patience? It is merely the control of the energy of the internal and physical bodies. It is ability, when treating any expression of life in need of assistance, to sustain its energy in perfect harmony and then to project it out according to the direction of its Christ Self for the accomplishment of some good purpose. 

That, practiced, will bring them happiness and give them this task: to become "patient" men and women, and to observe the change of their lives, for good. Let me differentiate, for your enlightenment, the difference between the quality of Patience and that lethargy or indifference. The patient man is positive, balanced, powerful. He does not allow his energy to leave it, or in thought or feeling, gesture or word, until the Divine Being within has qualified it with His Nature, and then, only it comes out with blessing. I offer you My Feeling of Patience, which has been My joy to develop, that has sustained me through the ages and that has brought me this day to your conscience. 

                                                                                                                                            Sanat Kumara