Tell me that it hurts and I'll tell you need to forgive

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Coexistence between people is full of scratches, wounds that we cause one another; sometimes inadvertently and other reaction to what seemed an attack.

The only medicine that exists to heal our wounds is called "Sorry" but not sold in the pharmacy. We must decide to forgive, forgive. It is a process, is a decision, it is a determination that will free our energy.

To live fully, we must learn to listen to what your body says. The ñrst time I noticed it was to read the great book of Louise L. Hay "Heal your life" then, I discovered that in diöerent philosophies and trends of thought and personal and spiritual growth, as metaphysics, programming neurolinguistic, gestalt therapy, theta healing, ressonance patter, reiki, bioenergy and even the yoga- explained that, even though in some cases the diseases are caused by a gene, most people suöer and suöer evils because accumulated resentments , hate, anger, rage, live clinging to the past and ideas of the past, loaded anger, hate, sadness, live to please others or by the standards established as correct, do not accept themselves and lack self-esteem unconditionally carry feelings of guilt, frustration, resentment and other emotions that arise through the thoughts that do not control and that there comes a time when the body says, because it has to go somewhere and it is through quantity of symptoms or diseases, which is no more than the body talking, because if a doctor check us and medicate there are conditions that are prolonged and largely may be because you have to go to the root of what is
Causing bad form to eradicate it.

We all create our experiences through our thoughts we choose to do and through these feelings arise that lead to actions and hence the results. Only that many times, to deny that this is so simple as I tell you, we deny our power blaming others for our frustrations.

In fact, our life is nothing but a reòection of our mental state; if there is peace, harmony and balance in our minds, then our lives can only be harmonious, peaceful and balanced. And if we have negative
Thoughts already we know what happens.

Our body is wise and speak, so we must learn to listen to what he wants to tell us, for, from there, go into the situation that causes us discomfort and heal us live without much damage. Often the body cries, what the mouth shut, and then the thing explodes in all pleasant

Situations. Fortunately, many trends and even medical studies have conñrmed that we can prevent or, heal, if identifying the situation that occurred in the step or feelings that we carry and do not allow us to move forward.

According to the body part where the sign comes, there will be an emotional explanation for it. Those who have studied the subject for years, they say, since I am convinced that you're going to identify some of the causes:

For example, often it represents a cold or repressed wept tears not looking out for them and wherever; while if you have a sore throat, it is because you have outstanding to say things, you are not able to communicate your aõictions. It represents your neck òexibility person; pain in the ankles, progress or resistance you have towards life. Lens wearers or have trouble hearing

It is because they see or hear things that they are not pleasant.

Stomach problems speak of coexistence and also the ability to digest situations. Another part of the body that receives many of our emotions is back. According to experts, lower back discomfort usually reòect economic concerns or perceived lack of support, upper back when it

Presents discomfort tells us we're loading things that do not belong to us.

More examples: it is said that if you have problems with your thighs is related to what others expect of you or what you think others expect of you; if the situation is with calves, it is linked to what I expect of myself.

In the case of the knees, has to do with how article external and internal expectations, also it said that is when your pride is not cowed. If it comes to the ankles, the situation is how to link my expectations with reality; while below, related to the foot, speaks of support, support and

Balance. If it hurts the forehead, it is related to the way we face the world. Heart problems are related to basic emotional, primary aöects. And it depends on the way we assimilate the world, will suöer from problems with teeth and gums. Headache depresses when doubts increase, nails
Break when defenses are threatened, blood pressure rises when fear imprisons.

Among others, it also says that if you accumulate excessive volume at the hips, maybe you're burdened with feelings of guilt or shame or desires of a sexual assault residual fear you turned by weight to protect you.

However, it also inòuences the side of you feel the suöerings:

The left side is receptive, maternal and feminine side of being. The right is the male side, push, facing outwards, to the world. The trend could indicate a rejection within you male or female aspects, and a need for self-forgive, heal, reconcile or identify the person who activates it in your.

According to the approach in bioenergetics, symptoms that occur in humans, according to the ñrst principle is the laterally are also explained.

On the left side of the body reòects the signiñcant family relationships: father, mother, brothers, sons. Neighbors, family, friends, work: In the case of the right hand, social is. This means that depending on the side where the symptom occurs, we must review a family or social links.

There is a model of the relationship between emotions and physical symptoms developed by the hypnotherapist John Kappas can also give us what may be happening emotionally when we develop certain symptoms in speciñc areas of the body.

For example, the specialist mentioned syndrome crying, involving the solar plexus up, chest, head and neck and is related to the inability to make a decision on the act of another person or by a previous conditioning that diôcult decision. Its most common feature is the headache.

Because of the frustration caused by indecision, the brain tells the scalp tighten causing pain. Sometimes the stress is so severe that compresses the veins and causes migraine. Another very recognizable symptoms of this syndrome are: the crystallization of the eyes, the relaxation of the tear ducts that continuously dripped into the eyes, congestion of the sinuses, the contraction of the muscles of the throat, gastric pressure chest, the tension of the jaw muscles and clenching.

Tell me that it hurts and I'll tell you need to forgive

Gastric pressure, chest, the tension of the jaw muscles and clenching. Each of these physical reactions may be associated with emotional or mental cause. Thus, according to this theory, the pressure in the head represents the inability to make decisions; the watery eyes and sinus congestion symbolize refuse to see the situation causing indecision; the Contraction of the throat, the tension of the muscles of the jaw and clenching is a result of refusing to discuss the issue of indecision. 

Indecision can become frustrated and this in melancholy, depression and ñnally inertia. Chronic indecision can be classiñed as a major problem in our society of fast movements, particularly in people aged between ñfteen and thirty-ñve years.

When aöected areas are the shoulders, upper back and spine, they are within the responsibility of the syndrome. This occurs when the psychological motives are excessive responsibility, fear of the weight of responsibility or negligence, lack of acceptance or not taking responsibility.

When the aöected areas are the English, the stomach and lower back, this is due to guilt and sexual frustration syndrome, which occurs by sexual guilt related to religion, feelings of guilt for inñdelity and promiscuity, feelings sexual incapacity, fear and other sexual assault. 

Symptoms may be stomach cramps, constipation, heartburn, excessive menstrual cramps, too heavy or absent menstruation, vaginal infections or cystitis, pressure or pain in the prostate or testis and kidney problems.

And ñnally, the specialist says ñght syndrome or scope, in which, the aöected areas are the arms, hands and ñngers. Psychological causes are the need to express, with the corresponding denial or suppression of that need, the inability to achieve what you want for lack of self-esteem

And an important feeling of profound rejection for wanting to achieve unattainable goals. The symptoms are warts or small blisters.

The second principle is vertically, whereby in each area of the body reòect diöerent aspects. At the head, looks abstract, ideas, fantastic. In this part of the body I have my identity, my ego, my image. Symptoms between neck and waist, can be linked to vitality and aöection. "There I have

The organs that need to be alive, such as the heart and lungs." Among the waist, belly (lower digestive tract), issues that have to do with the waste manifest, that that does not work or is not nutritious, it must remain a short time in the body.

Issues of sexual identity, passion, ability to transcend, fears and deep feelings are manifested in the genital area. Speak of the support legs, contact with reality and concrete. 

While the arms are those that allow people to project into the future, without disturbing if balance. With them, you can put away or shorten it.

According to the specialist consulted to perform the work from the approach Bioenergetics, is necessary to build the life history of the patient and check from there and from observation, what energy blockages that have the person are to work them and unlock with therapeutic


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