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The first contact is an operation that began in 1990 as a simple directive from the Syrian Regional Council; its scope was expanded when the main Council of the Galactic Federation approved this action in 1991.

The first contact will begin when it is a special series of announcements by major Governments of the world, which will be nearly simultaneous. Announced that aliens are here and are benevolent, and recognize the role played by the Galactic Federation to ensure manifesting the new reality according to the divine plan. After a series of formal announcements and the global delivery of their abundance are completed, we will start our own procedures. These included a series of flights each day. Accompany them with an announcement of who we are and what we do.

The next step will be a number of small landings. At this point, we will allow to examine our ships and choose some individuals to take a short walk on our ships. The first contact also happens with a landing mass if requested by the spiritual hierarchy. Special command ships, from the size of a planet, the fleets of scientific and exploration will serve as the main command ships for the first contact mission. Fifty human stellar Nations are involved in the first contact. Our mission is divine and we intend to manifest many important projects, promote the peace of the world, altering the social, cultural and economic structures, and allowing mother earth to transform itself.

As a final step, we will present them to its local spiritual hierarchy, and reunificaremos them with their brothers in the inner Earth. There will be a series of ads in the course by the ascended masters, that will help them solve certain cultural struggles for power, and to make possible the cross-cultural cooperation. Each of them will intervene and explain the origins and histories of its many cultures and religions, and radical changes in their religious struggles occur.

Our Earth allies are well aware that the time of the formal first contact will end the many millennia in which ran the war of 'divide and conquer' in this reality. Also announced that already we do not tolerate the greed and arrogance of their current cabals. The announcement of the first contact will encourage the full revelation of now super secret files on UFOs of the Government. The area of the so-called ufology [T. N.: the science that studies UFOs or ufos] requires a spiritual arm. This segment enables us to look beyond the technology and realize that illuminated advanced societies are primarily spiritual in nature.

The "Sun" internal (core) is changing, mother earth is preparing to make rapid changes to its existing appearance. Its ability to sustain its ecological network is reduced due to life threatening effluent produced by their industrial society. The ecosystem is paralyzed in the crisis. You need to embrace the tasks inherent to the tutelage of mother earth and its fragile ecosystem. Cetaceans and the society in the inner land of Agartha are the most eager to act as their mentors in these matters. We are also ready to offer help if needed. To this end, we have organized a series of scientific liaison teams specialized in advanced ecological techniques.

The changing nature of mother earth has a period of time through which heaven has allowed that she changed completely at your new be. Once this transformation begins, you not may already live on its surface. They will have to be relocated quickly to our ships, or extraordinary homes we have built on Earth inner for this purpose. Look at them surrounded by fields of force, holographic technology, and resolution cariñosa. There they will quickly change to their fully conscious beings. The flora and fauna of the earth be evacuated to motherships special environments.

The masters of this world and Syrian have teamed up and will appear before you. Contact staff directly comes from the Star League of the Pleiades in the constellation of Andromeda, Lira, Perseus and Aries, and stellar Syrian nation. They will act as guides and teachers for its transitional period coming. Ships of many different human Galactic societies will welcome the Galactic League of light. The first ring of ships surrounding mother earth and its artificial moon. This fleet contains over one million ships. Our first informers will be assorted links of our various Galactic societies outside of the world, mainly human.

The liaison teams will make a series of global broadcasts; two programs are planned to introduce ourselves. We will train small units of two to six ships each. These ships will land to allow the local population the opportunity to see them. For a short time, the Galactic Federation teams will leave their ships to instruct them on this technology and explain their responsibility as physical angels. We will begin with a program to allow them to visit our motherships. There will be extensive overflights by ships explorers, that will occur before the mass landing.

We will be launching secret technologies and even more wonderful devices, including many inventions related to energy and transport, which have occurred in their world during the last century. Their secret Governments suppressed this technology, along with many other environmental innovations, because of the deep-seated fear of such discoveries could lead to his downfall. We will also introduce a more practical technology and will allow each of you to learn - and to come into contact with one another easily.

The birth of an environment post-Internet, that we have started, will present new choices in entertainment and communication. Devices easy to use, simple handling will provide them with immediate feedback, and allow them to freely contact with anyone in the world. Using the small organic computer, you will be globally recognizable by the true frequency of their bodies. These devices interface with your mind, provide a three-dimensional holographic image containing data, images, etc. The trading system will be full-color three-dimensional holographic telepathy. Any person wishing to communicate can display just a person and your computer will come in contact with it. It will include a universal translator and a special system that marks the frequency of is closely linked to its unique physical signature.

Each household will receive a device that converts the energy of the light in the field to provide clothing and food. Remember that abundance programs will allow you to have all the financial resources they need. Our Earth allies have allowed many agreements even more powerful than NESARA. These provisions do not be launched to the public in general until the first group of agreements is publicly announced. Only the second and the third wave of actions will then be revealed and they will be made public.

We will present them with technology that will allow them to travel more freely. You will be provided a new form of transportation, their new personal vehicles levitarán a few feet of the ground, and they are able to accelerate to 500 miles (800 kilometers) per hour. The plane will disappear as you know it and will become a technology magnet, with capabilities of Mach 8 lifter, as we give them 'primitive' ships that resemble ours. A remote transport system will be available for the emergency of long range trips. We will also use this technology to build a fully automated system of highways.

It will present a program of extensive training of medical practices that are not harmful to health. It will align its medical services closer to ours. You will absorb an enormous amount of new information, and to assist in the assimilation of vast amounts of knowledge, we provide a technology that can 'download them' directly in the memory of your brain and memory systems. You will develop its science and expanded their philosophies in ways not yet heard, resulting in a brilliant marriage of these now contradictory elements. We start them on the wonders of 'artificial intelligence'.

We will provide a technology system which, with their abilities manifested, will invest pollution now fouling their air, land, and water in mother earth, in less than six months.

Our second objective is to factories, offices, homes, power plants, air, water and land vehicles that shed most of the pollution. Devices of free energy that can be produced in mass quickly will be introduced.

Using our technology, we can spray and erect buildings completely in a matter of days, and re-equip its network of manufacturing tools in less than a week. On the other hand, we can automate completely. Technological devices will allow you to finish your dependence on manufactured materials. They will build their own homes and collectively plan their cities. Its rural areas will be returned to its original condition of forests and meadows, intact in its natural state.

A number of our technologies can be the living light food, clothing, and other applications, thus ending its long dependence on Agriculture and the timber industry. Remember that technology is a tool, provided by the awareness to create an environment as pleasant as possible. You need to grow the 'next-hop' Grand - i.e., a planetary society to a galactic. Never forget, dear, you are mutating 'Homo Galácticus' [of Homo Sapiens]. A more integrated version of you, this Galactic human being, has the ability to open and meaningful dialogue with your true being.

Special world centers will be created. A new financial system will be born. This reorganization of its global wealth paves the way for a new era of power in their world. This power will be based on the people and lack auto malicious interest of its former secret leaders. Many of his world and outside groups cooperating with the spiritual realm to put end to preventing financial abundance to manifest and the establishment fast for world peace.

Our main objective remains a safe, healthy, and successful conclusion of our first mission of the first contact. This process involves many different possibilities. That we prefer is to be a silent support for a rapid and successful military, political and economic transition in his world. The extensive amounts (of money) have been rearranged, cataloged and prepared for distribution. Funds, banking networks and the list of recipients are ready.

The crucial inroads into our ability to control and force a series of resignations in a number of powerful Governments are also in place. On the other hand, the legal documents to begin this procedure have been signed and have been legally awarded at the highest possible levels. Governments propose or resign, be reorganized the UN, and you will announce a new international mandate of human sovereignty and freedom. It will restructure the glut or the excess profits of the multinationals. They will be implemented new rules of conduct. The current concept of 'Corporation' is legally broken. Large power stations that now supply power to its cities and industries will disappear.

We have seen many biological projects produced in the laboratories of your dark cabal. While we have drastically restricted these projects since the end of 1990, several of them, introduced during the decades of the 1970s and 1980s, devastated their world and became important global epidemics. Our medical teams are monitoring them and can only interfere directly when occurs the first contact. Therefore, we invite all concerned to use their spiritual and physical resources to counteract these epidemics created artificially. Secret policies of the past of 'closed doors' are deleted.

We have doubled the number of ships of Defense operating quadrant earth-moon of the Solar System. We have also tightened the special protective shield of interdimensional security that surrounds your planet, and we can avoid that comes out or between anyone that we have not authorized on their planet. We de sarma demos all the nuclear weapons, and we will provide replacements suitable for all power generation facilities powered by nuclear energy in their world. We will need to move to you certain divisions of our nearest fleet. This means also that, at the appropriate time, we will close all adverse military communications, and will immediately deliver these responsibilities to our Earth allies.

We are determined to ensure the immediate success of our partners by the certainty that quickly captures all essential personnel that is now controlled by the last cabal of Earth. These quick forays into the field of the cabal will allow our Earth allies to achieve their initial targets silently and quickly. With the leaders of the cabal under arrest, can formally announce some important and unquestionably positive global change. Once peace is declared, we will monitor the rapid withdrawal of all parties in the war.

The revelations will also make possible the public proclamation of our existence by the new interim Government. On the other hand, may be submitted by our planned broadcasts of the pre-Primer contact. Initially, this series of transmissions to clarify our role in these events and prepare the people of mother earth for 'First contact'.

Our vehicles are living organic beings, equipped with highly advanced organic computers that are enlarged reproductions of our brains. A ship has the ability to interconnect with us at all levels. There is a long range of networks that are built into each ship; There is a network of smaller range telepathically connected to all members of the crew with the ship. When you go up to one of our ships, you immediately connects to this network, which jointly supervises all their bodily functions, thought processes and emotional States of each one of the individuals who are on board. This wonderful piece of technology will be shown to you as a vivid and highly intelligent. One of the most important capabilities of this technology is the interstellar travel. You can set the frequency of a ship to move from Star to star. These 'jumps' from one Solar system to another occur because of the way in that it is constructed physically.

Originating from the Scout ships or from the large motherships, disclose through radio, television and computer networks, the true picture of the history of the world, as well as conspiracies to deny a part of technology. Retransmissions will explain how has taken care of you people of the inner Earth. They have prepared a stunning, almost endless series of enclaves for you, as realms of Eden where you complete his mutation in beings fully aware. Special places built for you are fully operational and in standby. The mass landings will be delayed until the time of giving them their new temporary homes in the inner Earth. Heaven has reserved a mere week to almost 14 months period so that it serves as a transition.

We have come from all sectors of this galaxy, and also many nearby galaxies, and extensive and current orders of life from heaven. We will begin producing its Galactic society, and they will travel where want to through this immense universe. Will they soon move closer Syrian and take their place in your multi-stellar system. Is your destination to join the beings of Sirio A lion and human Galactic societies of Sirius B and C. Soon Mars will flourish once again. Venus, Earth's abundant oceans, will be filled with life. Maldek will reappear, as well as the planet innermost which astronomers have called Vulcan. The moon will become his new near-Earth space station. Familiar both with Mars as now are with his beautiful Mother Earth.

Harmony and a level of global cooperation never before seen in your world will become normal. A new system that will allow them to transform their world operation will be established. The ascended master in charge of this operation is the count of Saint Germain. Global prosperity will have arrived and will be born a new Galactic society. Your reality is in the midst of a process that is forever changing.

Underlying its current transformation is the creation of a new fully conscious reality. The Past, present, and future become one. It will be over the need to be limited or dwell in the darkness. Each reality of collective consciousness changes only when the appropriate critical mass is achieved. When this happens, is transmutará its reality in its entirety. Mother Earth in which you dwell, together with all its inhabitants, will change together. They will move to a State of full consciousness and full members of the Galactic Federation of light. They will meet the sacred prophecy and will meet with Galactic family. The new Kingdom will be based on the provision of conditions that will support them in the creation of your new Galactic society. The master Saint Germain and Hilarion, as well as el Morya and other many teachers, they intend to monitor the formation of Galactic society.

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