Why should you wake up? - How the system fools you

By | 15:42:00 Leave a Comment
Do you like to live deceived? Do you want to know the truth or do you like living in that false reality that the system programs you?

What do they hide us from? What do they want from us?

"They" want you not to think for yourself.

They want you to consume.

They want you to sit on the couch and watch TV, you swallow all your shit, you see those informative with all those negative images, you want to manipulate and the TV thinks for you, and you listen to everything.

They want you to eat transgenic foods and leave the natural.

They want you to get sick and take your medicines and vaccines, you're very profitable.

They want you to continue to believe in politics, and we fight each other, with a party that only represents them, will never leave one really fighting for the people, politics is to divide people and lie.

They want you not to protest against any unjust law that they take off their sleeve, they want you to accept it and point because they are the ones who rule.

They want you to go into debt with the banks, it's another thing that sells a lot to the coffers, ahh and does not protest, even if they throw you into the street, because of your debts, keep quiet, accusing you that it's your fault.

They want to watch over you, everywhere, on the mobile phone, through surveillance cameras, the internet (social networks), they want to know everything about you and control you.

They want you to not look at the sky, they want you to think that the "Chemtrails" belong to 4 mad conspiracies.

They want to blame you for the crisis, which they created because of course, ou can not "live above our possibilities".

They want you to accept what they say as "the only truth," you have no voice or vote.

They want to give you a good education, logically in which they look good, and above all they need robots, people who do their work without thinking, they want to indoctrinate you.

They want you to think that conspiracy theories are insane.

They want you to continue accepting the Middle East invasion of Western countries as "something good", because there is a lot of terrorist there and also we take their oil and we get money, in addition to stealing all their natural resources, you are very profitable The war for them.

They want above all else, do not wake up, before this deception, that would hurt them enough, they want you to faithfully follow what they send you, and of course accept their unjust laws and pay their taxes.

They want you to keep watching football and marujeo programs.

They want you to take slave labor, many hours a day with a crap.

They want you to always be busy and do not have a second to wake up and start thinking for yourself.

They want you to live in fear, that is why they are constantly bombarding us everywhere.

They want to make you believe that you humans are responsible for everything, that global warming is real and it's your fault, they do not say anything about HAARP and the geoengineering that have been manipulating the climate for many years.

They want above all to buy and buy and buy, for that they want us, if we stop consuming in their large shopping centers the system would collapse and that is what they do not want.

Soon they will sell you the microchip in the body as "something good" and then they will have control of all humanity.

They want you to think that we are the only beings in the universe, when it is not true, they have been hiding evidence of visits from beings from other worlds for a very long time.

They want you to believe all acts of wars as "normal", when we all know that in most cases they are false flag operations.

They want the artificial intelligence system to advance, so that companies save money with workers and change them by robots.

They do not want you looking for an alternative to current medicine, or use medicinal plants, because that would be very bad for the pharmaceutical industry.

They want you to fight for the ideology of one country and another, to say mine is better, constantly want us divided, because divide and conquer.

They want you distracted, that's why they put so many distractions so you do not think.

They want you to think that animals are only worth to eat them that have come to this life to serve us on a plate, and that they have no conscience, when they have much more than some humans.

They want you to think that genetically modified organisms are very good for health and help to alleviate hunger in the world, when they are not.

They want you to think that the war is good, and that it is normal to invade countries, and the industry of weapons and death is the best, so for your country to join! to kill!!.

They want you to think that the truth is on TV.

They want you to consume Coca Cola and junk food, it is good for your health to continue to consume.

They want you to accept the social cuts is good for the state !!.

They do not want you to be self-sufficient, they want you to depend on the system.

They want you to leave your freedom for your safety and accept draconian laws.

They want you to stop using physical money and start using the electronic money for more control of the state and the banks, and when they want to disappear your money if you are interested.

They want you to think that 9/11 is real, and it was an attack, they do not want you to think it was a self-report to enter the Middle East and invade countries.

They want you not to report on The Bilderberg Club, do not think about what they do in those meetings where they plan the next steps to follow for the New World Order.

They want you to think that the Islamic State was created out of nothing, when we all know that they created and financed it.

They want you to accept the scheduled obsolescence, and buy and then break the objects and buy another again soon, go business !!.

They want the homeless people, they are forgotten to their luck, since they do not consume are not worth to the system, there to take them out of the way !!

And well there would be many more, but those are a few things that you should know.

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